Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Playin With Dad

We love to play with our Dad. When we're inside he shares breakfast and snacks with us. We like to take naps with him, too, but the best times are when we go in the yard and play.

 He throws balls and frisbees for us.

If he sits on the swing we go over to talk with him.

He gives good back scratches.

 The very best part is that he gives us hugs when we need them.


  1. That's so sweet!!! We know the dogs and dad are all very happy together!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  2. Sounds like you have a SUPER DUPER COOL dad!!

    Your pal, Pip

  3. Awww... your dad sounds wonderful! Naps, snacks, playtime - perfect!! I love that last picture.


    PeeS: I would love to see a blog post with Porties on that trampoline... hehe..

  4. Your Dad is a very special man and we think you all know that:) Too bad he doesn't have a few extra pairs of hands - with all of you clamoring for his attention, he could easily have a few.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  5. We wish we had a dad. Sniff.

    XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

  6. What a fun dad to have around and hang out with!!!

  7. Lucky dogs! We love our dad, too. He takes us for walkies, throws the ball (endlessly) for Sasha, and gives us cookies! On a good day, we can trick him into giving us cookies more than once...heh...

  8. aahh what special play time you guys have with you Paw
    Benny & Lily

  9. Your happy tails tell me how much you love to play with your Dad!
    Kisses and hugs

  10. Aren't Dads wonderful?? We love ours too!

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

  11. We love playing with our dad too! Dads are such fun!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  12. What a sweet post! My girls are developing a fondness for piling into the recliner with the Knight for snuggles. They REALLY enjoy "sparring" with him too.

  13. Dads are good play toys! Enjoy playing with yours. My Dad brought me a football. Took me awhile to figure out how to pick it up - but now that I know how - I love it! Lucy

  14. And I see the little girl who's packing around her monkey...

    What a fun Dad you all have!

  15. Dads are fun and good to have around. They play the bestest 'cause sometimes mommas don't have all the grrreat ideas that dads do!

  16. What a great daddy you have! I wish we had a daddy! Sometimes our grampa comes over, but he doesn't like to play with us. He grumbles stuff like "Get away from me you miserable mutt" but we know he says it out of love.

  17. Cute pictures of playtime with Dad. Sydney loves to play a good game of tennis ball with her dad.
