Sunday, October 17, 2010

This Is A Sick Dog?

Yesterday was a beautiful Autumn day. The sun was shining and the leaves were falling and Samba thought it was a perfect day to play with her favorite toy, the Flying Cow.

Rob and I went outside with just Samba. The others sat in the window and watched.There is too much competition between Morgan and Samba to let them both go after the frisbee.  Besides, I think it's good to give each dog some individual attention.

First Rob threw some low ones for her to run after.

 Then he started throwing some higher ones for her to catch.

 She loves this game and would play until she dropped.

 Can you believe this is the dog with the damaged jaw muscles, who a year ago couldn't open her mouth?
 Obviously, she is doing well with her treatment. In a couple weeks she goes in for her one year checkup.


  1. Go, Samba!!! That's remarkable. What a lovely, strong girl! Sissy has two more doses of her immunosuppressant... then, we'll see... Wondervet says if we haven't had a flare-up on this VERY stepped-down dosage, we should be okay. (Fingers crossed)

  2. Yay fur Samba!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  3. Samba, what a wonderful recovery! I followed you back to thank you, Sue, for your comment about the Wish List and laundry supplies. When I mentioned things, I was thinking of items I'd donated that rescue wanted when my old Chessie past over the Rainbow. I was remembering how difficult it is to figure out what to do with all the "stuff".
    You've given us an idea how to get more aid for some "no kill" shelters we know are in danger of closing. Right now people are voluntarily sponsoring individual dogs, and one runs a thrift shop staffed by volunteers.
    Hawk aka BrownDog's Momma

  4. Look at those action shots! You go girl
    Benny & Lily

  5. Good for you, Samba. That must really make Mom and Dad feel so good. We aren't much into chasing frisbees, we would rather chew them:(

    Happy Sunday - what an awesome fall we are having after that awful summer!

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  6. Good going Samba!!! That is totally remarkable!! Wonderful news!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  7. Hooray for the Beautiful Samba! We are so happy that she is doing so well and enjoying life again. May it last forever!


  8. Wonderful news and great pictures! I bet your get an A+ at your checkup Samba :)

    Emma Rose

  9. Clearly, loving a dog is enough to overcome almost any obstacle. Looks like a fun fall day.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. That is so wonderful. You do such a great job of taking care of everyone and there's such a lot of everyone. It's really impressive.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  12. that's some fine frisbee play. that's one game that we haven't gotten involved in. we don't understand frisbees. maybe Samba could give us a few pointers.


  13. Our dogs really love frisbee, but a couple of them just want to run around with one in their mouth, they could care less about chasing it!

    I'm glad Samba mended and is able to enjoy her favorite game!

  14. Samba, your frisbee skills are SO impressive. Maybe you can give me a few tips someday... with the frisbee you so kindly sent me!!! Thank you SO much. We were ALL so surprised and excited by all the pressies. I'm about to blog about it.

    THANK YOU!!!


  15. Awesome pics of Samba. Good to hear she is doing well. Hope the checkup goes well too. Personal time with each one is great!!!

  16. What great action shots!
    Glad to know Samba is doing so well with her treatment!

  17. Very good times, Samba. How lucky you are to have people who know how important some "me" time is! Glad you're doing well with your jaw issues, too.

    Woofs. Sahsa and Misty

  18. Hello Samba!

    Way to go! We are happy to see you doing so well! We pray that you pass the upcoming med test with flying colors!

    Keep the faith!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

  19. Samba looks GREAT! Can't believe she can chomp down on that frisbee like that. Your hard work has payed off. She is having so much fun.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  20. Looking good, Samba! What a happy day you had!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  21. Glad Samba is all well now and so full of energy and life! She sure can jump very high too :) Hope you are having a great day Sue!

  22. Special private fun time is so important. Samba, you are amazing!


  23. You need to take some of these pictures to her Vet!! GO SAMBA!!

  24. Yea! No I cannot believe she's sick or that it's been a year.

    I so want a dog that will play fetch! Can I have Fudge? Puhleease? g

  25. Oh Samba. I really really like to read this.

  26. Way to go Samba! We're so pleased you're doing so well! Our ol' Joe the Rottie can play Fetch till he drops to (that's if the Chief lets him) ...

    Licks and wags

    The Dog WOods Pack

  27. So great to see her doing so well and having so much FUN! ♥
