Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday

Today is Morgan's 11th birthday and Tsar's 9th birthday. Friday I got busy in the kitchen in anticipation of today's big event.

I made apple-peanut butter cookies.

I had several tasters who agreed that they were good, but Tsar said they were the best he's ever tasted. He even tried to steal one off the counter.

Today we waited impatiently for the party to begin. Where Was Dad with those wonderful cookies?

The crowd was pretty well behaved.

 Tsar and Morgan got theirs first.

The basket is empty.

They're all gone? They can't be all gone. No Tsar, don't worry, there's a whole bag of them in the refrigerator.
 Also, Happy Birthday to our vet tech Becky, who seems to be having an identity crisis.


  1. Those bone biscuits look delish....Thor couldn't take his eyes off them.

    Happy Birthday Thor and Morgan!

    XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

    It's Movember here, your Vet Tech fits right in. Do you have that charity event?

  2. HAPPEE BIRTHDAY...look at those yummE bones! Have fun
    Benny & Lily

  3. Happy Birthday Morgan and Tsar!!! The cookies look great!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  4. Those look like the most lovely treats and they certainly were a hit with the crowd. Speaking of crowds it just occurred to me that with your bunch it's always kind of a party at your place. A very happy birthday to Morgan and Tsar!

    lotsa birthday licks, Lola

  5. happy birthday to Morgan and Tsar. those home made cookies look delicious. we think we can smell them from here.


  6. Those cookies sure do look and sound tasty. Happy Birthday to Morgan and Tsar. We have a birthday boy here Friday - Mr. Phantom will be 12. Mom says she should start thinking about making something for his big day too. He is just so darn picky and he would probably just be happy with a tummy rub:)

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  7. Happy Birthday, Tsar! Happy Birthday, Morgan!

    You got cookies, and they look really good, but you should have got a few doughnut holes! Thats what makes a party a party!


  8. Happy Birthday Morgan and Tsar!!! Cookies to share, what a great way to celebrate!!!

  9. Oh my. Many happy birthday to you both Tsar and Morgan. You have a very good mommy to make you so many wonderful cookies. Soon, it will be Misty's 12th birthday (she is ancient) so I hope our momma sees this and makes cookies too!

    Woofs! Sasha (Misty was sleeping somewhere)

  10. Lookit them delish cookiessssss :D Happy Birthday Morgan and Tsar! Hope you both had extras and all the crumbs too :D

    woofs n licks,
    Dommy & Piper

  11. Happy birthdays! That's quite a statement if Tsar was willing to steal one...

  12. Happy Happy Birthday! I love the pic of Morgan laying on the floor - I just love it when dogs lay like that. Tickles me for some reason! g

  13. Happy Birthday to two great friends! You deserved those wonderful cookies. Hope you can enjoy them for some time to come.

  14. Happy birthday to Morgan and Tsar! Those cookies looked delicious!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  15. Happy Birthday Morgan and Tsar!
    What a great pawty!

    Thor x

  16. Happy Birthday Tsar and Morgan! Looks like you had a fun party with delicious cookies.

  17. Happy Brithday Morgan and Tsar! That rush for the nommies looked a little scary to me. So much fur and mouths and toofers! Good thing you all have manners.


  18. Belated Happy Birthday to Morgan and Tsar! Those cookies look delicious.

  19. Happy Birthday! Those look yummy. Can you post or email the recipe?

  20. My gang sends birthday wishes to Tsar & Morgan! Those treats look yummy!
