Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Apartment Living

One of Morgan's favorite ways to spend time is watching squirrels from her comfy spot on the window seat. She also like to chase them off the deck when we allow her. The other dogs are also interested in sq's as we refer to them, but Morgan is the most consistent watcher.
When we moved here, there were a couple of squirrel nests in trees in the woods behind our yard. Once the little darlings discovered that we fed birds, they moved to a tree inside the yard. Not so far to travel in bad weather.
Now there are apartment complexes in the trees closest to the house. The sq population has multiplied in recent years. A couple weeks ago as Rob and I were enjoying a cup of tea in the living room, we were entertained by an amorous couple on the window sill. Apparently there will be a new generation feeding at our free lunch bar soon.
This young fellow came by this morning to have breakfast. He must have been up late last night because he chose to lie down to eat. Even though he saw me and kept his eye on me as he ate, he didn't bother to run away. Cheeky little devil!

Here the little acrobat was hanging by his back toes as he devoured a sunflower seed.
 Our trees will soon be full of nests as this expanding family adds to their deluxe apartment in the sky.


  1. Squirrel watching is a top sport here as well. I can't get over that one sprawled out eating like that - too funny!

  2. I know they are fun to watch, but I'm so glad they rarely come near our house - it would drive the boys crazy!!

  3. That is one very relaxed sq, isn't it? We have very few sqs around our yard, none of the trees are big enough:(

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  4. My girls are both BIG squirrel watchers. It's one reason I so desperately want to keep that one eye for Sis... she doesn't know she's not a sight hound!

  5. That is one adorable squirrel! I like my squirrel friends, but Phoebe barks at them!

  6. Those guys drive us NUTS!!! BOL!! We crack ourselves up!!

    -Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

  7. What a lazybones squirrel! Next he'll be having breakfast in bed!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  8. Next thing you know, those free loading squirrels will be asking you to put out a TV and a little mini sofa...BOL!


  9. They just get braver and braver, don't they :)?

  10. I love these!!! At my parents' house, we always fed the squirrels. They would rattle the screen door to get our attention and take peanuts right from our hands. There was one that was so friendly, I was able to pet him. I miss that! Critters don't come around much in our yard, something about the idea of five crazy dogs scares them off!

  11. We have a huge army of sqs and the afternoon my Mom put the suet block out one came by. He ate as much as he could reach and finally went off and hasn't been back. I hope he got a big bellyache!


  12. Looks like there's enough squirrels for all the dogs! That squirrel does look cheeky.....must drive Morgan nuts!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  13. Hmm .... We have chipmunk condos under our backyard. Actually, there's a whole city under there. Don't know why, as mama doesn't feed them and Abby digs for them like crazy. We have sqs, too, but they're not stupid enough to get within dog-jumping distance of the house.

    Jed & Abby

  14. Sue you crack me up. Abby loves to sit and watch them too - but I do let her chase them. She's not fast enough to catch them - but she has learned to walk on her pads very, very quietly and she doesn't bark. :) g

  15. I enjoy 'squirrel tv' as much as the dogs do, I just don't make such a fuss about it as they do! :-)

    Hope you've had a good day!!

  16. Lazy squirrels. Who do they think owns this joint, anyway?

    And I thought one of them being caught by the tail had scared them away?

  17. Little free loaders :-) We have them too :-) They play chase around the tree's, once one fell down the fire place, unhurt, went straight outside. FAST AND QUICK :-) :-) :-) Keep the nuts coming please :-)xxx
