Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's Still Raining

Our Easter biscuit hunt is on hold till the weather clears up. It's been raining for several days and the dampness is causing my throat to hurt, so we're going to wait till it's dry.
The gang went out on the porch this morning and look who was there waiting for the rain to stop.
They all went to say hello to the Eater bunny and the big duck.
Everyone is restless because they haven't had an opportunity to run and play for a couple days. I've been trying to distract them from the storms, but they can't seem to settle.
The rain and storms are forecast to continue thru Tuesday, so by the time it clears up they'll be really ready to run and hunt for biscuits. Happy Easter to our friends who celebrate it, from the entire Legacy Pack.


  1. Cute Easter toys! Hope the rain lets up soon!

  2. No more rain!
    Happee Easter
    Benny & Lily

  3. We hope it dries out soon....even if they are WATER dogs.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  4. We hope it stops raining for you guys soon! It is putting a damper on all of your fun!
    Happy Easter to all of you!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. Rain does have a way of spoiling all the fun, doesn't it?

    I hope you've had an enjoyable day!!

  6. We didn't have any egg hunts here today either, but we didn't get any rain either. Mom was glad there was no rain because we had to stay outside while the BIG family bunch got to eat turkey dinner. But then she saved us some and we all had a great dinner with turkey on top:) The rain is headed here tomorrow, we have been just on the outside edge of all you have gotten. Hope it dries soon for you.

    Easter Blessings to all.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  7. Sorry you are having bad weather. We had a very nice day but at 88 a little hot for late April. Happy Easter - hope you get to find the biscuits soon!

  8. I am sorry about the weather! Happy Easter to you!


  9. Sending good-weather thoughts your way!

  10. Poor babies! Especially, poor Morgan! Thor is happy to report that we've had about an hour of sun this afternoon, so he's out wandering with this boys. Hope your sunshine gets there soon.

  11. I'm one of the lucky ones, don't hear storms anymore. But I used to be taken everywhere and anywhere as a pup that was loud. BUT not everyone is like me.... Guys.... be cool, all things pass, especially storms XXXX

  12. I am sorry to hear you have had a wet Easter, I am sure it will clear up soon. For once in the UK we have had some really brilliant weather especially where I live it is not often we have such scorching weather. I hope your little friends get to play out soon. Sue x
