Saturday, April 23, 2011

Stormy Weather

As you've all probably heard by now, the St Louis airport was badly damaged last night by a tornado. There was much damage to the surrounding residential area, too.

We're happy that there were no fatalities and only minor injuries.

In our area, we're well south and west of St Louis, we had severe storms, much thunder, lightening and rain. They continued all night. If you ever see the sky turn this strange orangey color, you know you're in for a bad storm.
The sky went from  normal blue to this in seconds, then it continued to darken.

Then in the snap of my fingers, it was pitch black outside. Normally the dogs with the exception of Morgan, ignore thunder storms, but last night was an exception.

The four girls wanted to get in their crates, their safe places. Sky, Fudge and Samba paced and would not settle down. Noah ran barking from window to door. Tsar was the only calm member of the pack. He went to the basement to sleep.

Morgan was a basket case. She tried to get behind the entertainment center. When I pulled her away from that, she climbed into her toy box and sat there huffing and puffing for awhile. Then she tried to get into a popcorn can. Now Morgan isn't a big dog, but she certainly doesn't fit in a popcorn can.

I convinced her to sit next to me for a little while, but when a loud clap of thunder sounded, she tried to climb up n my shoulders. Finally I made her a hideaway in the corner of the room with a box and blankets over it. We could hear her sitting in her shelter huffing and puffing, but it seemed to help calm her.

Getting everyone out for last call was an interesting exercise. The rain was coming down hard and thunder was rumbling. Some ran out and right back in. Others didn't want to go out by themselves, so I donned a rain jacket and stood in the downpour while they relieved themselves. It was a noisy, restless night.

This morning we have no damage, but standing water in several spots in the yard. We received about three inches overnight and they're forecasting as much as ten more inches over the next few days. Our annual Easter biscuit hunt will have to be postponed or held indoors if I can handle the chaos.

Our thoughts are with our friends in the St Louis area as they face cleanup from this storm.


  1. We were glad no one was hurt - we were fortunate to only get a bit of rain and some thunder.

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and The Sweet Babes

  2. We don't envy you your storms. We had nothing overnight but today Phantom is giving us a very different message. Hope the next few days aren't as bad for all of us as they are predicting, especially in the St. Louis area.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  3. I'm so glad that you're safe and you were there to reassure your pups! I always worry when I can't be home during them. I so hope that today things have calmed down for you and your pups~~Stay safe and Happy Easter!!!

  4. I am so very glad you are safe!! I was worried when my two-leggers were watching the news this morning!!! Bad storms can be scary. When it's bad like that, I make mom stand outside in the rain with me just to keep me safe too. Hope the sunshine comes out for you today!


  5. We're so happy it missed you. That sounds like SOME storm...We usually only get one or two claps of thunder.

    Poor Morgan, hope she recovers.

    It's great no one was injured. We've been hearing about the tornados on television.

    XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

  6. First of all, I am so glad you are all OK. Second of all, Tsar is the coolest dog I have ever known in my life!

    We had rain all day and almost all night, but it wasn't fierce like what you had. Just a mild downpour.

    Lets hope this is not a picture of what summer's gonna be.


  7. Glup. I sure hope that isn't coming our way. I'll have to pay close attention to the weather maps and we might have to alter our Easter plans, but I think tomorrow is to be sunny and warm.

    Glad you're okay.

  8. So sorry you all had a rough night. Very happy you didn't find yourself in the path of worse!

  9. It sounds like you had some storm! We're glad you're all safe.
    Happy Easter to all of you.

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. Wow that was a wild one! Never seen an orange sky before. Hope I never do! Glad you all came out unscathed. An indoor biscuit hunt sounds like fun! :)

    Happy Easter to you,

  11. Oh MY goodness those pics are frightening, glad you are okay, what a horrid thing to go through. And happy Easter to you and the gang, are they going to hunt for easter goodies today?

  12. Sue,
    I'm praying prayers of thanks that no one was hurt...gosh just a week ago it was us and we remember it well!

    The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances. ~Robert Flatt
    Have a wonderfully splendid Easter!

  13. Gosh so scary. We will keep our feets crossed, no more storms
    Benny & Lily

  14. We are very glad you are all okay. We don't have storms near as bad as you do, but I, Kylie, HATES storms. I shakes and shakes and goes and hides in my Nite-nite (AKA: crate.) There is NO CHANCE I will go out for last call!! Are you MAD?? There is THUNDER OUT THERE!! It could KILL ME! Nope, I will just cross my paws til morning! Stay safe!

