Tuesday, June 19, 2012

International Box Day

We doggies all love boxes, 
whether big or small.
We consider it our job
 to check them one and all.
Boxes can be fun.
Boxes can be neat.
They hold special gifts,
and sometimes things to eat.
A man in a truck
brings them to our door.
Or our Mom and Dad 
get them at the store.
When they are full,
they hold toys or a bed.
When they are empty,
they fit on a head.

We sniff them and lick them,
great fun for a pup.

And when we are finished,
we tear them all up.


  1. We love your box post with all of the perfect pictures! We kinda jumped the gun on ours. OOPS!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  2. The best kind of boxes are the ones with treats inside!

    Your pal Pip

  3. Very cute post. Too bad I couldn't get my act together. Sissy loved boxes as a baby...

  4. Bravo!! I didn't know you guys were poets! That was just beautiful. It almost brought a tear to my eye.

  5. Dawling fwiendses
    I agwee, boxes can be full of the bestest things evew so Happy Box day to all of you

    I am going to sit by my fwont doow and wait and wait, maybe the mailman will eveshooly bwing me one of those boxes too, hehehe
    smoochie kisses

  6. Very cute post! I love the rhyme. Have fun with your boxes I hope they all contains treats of one kind or another. g

  7. Whooa! That is a lot of boxes, BOL
    Benny & Lily

  8. Cute post! I think we recognize one of those boxes! :)

  9. Awwww, you did such a great job on your post - we LOVE it - best one we have seen all day:) We would love to see more boxes around here like you have, looks like you get lots of deliveries for all of YOU!!!

    Thanks for participating in International Box Day.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
