Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Fun

Today is the Summer Solstice and that means different things to different folks.

Spring is my favorite season followed by winter. I'm not a fan of really hot weather so I look forward to cool activities. Lying in a hammock.....
Sipping a cool drink............
Enjoying a good read......................

Trips to the ice cream shop.....................

You get the general idea.

My housemates have other ideas, right Fudge?

Yes, we look forward to splashing in the pool...........

rolling in the grass..................

Cool refreshing snacks....................

Rides on the boat....................

Swimming at the lake...................

 Let's get started, Mom.


  1. Fudge, I'm with you in eagerly awaiting the watermelon.

  2. Now that I don't get three months of summer vacation, it's lost a lot of its appeal for me too.

    But watermelon is still pretty awesome, especially the seedless stuff.

  3. Great list - esp the ice cream part - and great pics!

  4. Oooh, what's that in the bucket for your "cool refreshing snack"?? Looks yummy!

  5. Everyone here, including us pups, votes for a/c inside and ice cream:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. Let the summer fun begin! Ice cream goes at the top of the list!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  7. That looks like so much fun. We're having our shortest day.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. We didn't know you guys had your won boat wth your own LAKE!! What super summer fun!!

    -Bart an dRuby

  9. We like spring, too, but it always goes so fast. Around here it seems to go from cold to HOT! Spring is shorter every year.

    Your pal, Pip

    P.S: I like to swim, too.

  10. So far this week we have had three days of RAIN, so all it has seemed to us is WET.

    We hope you get all those good things though, and SAVE ME SOME ICE CREAM!


  11. Summer, I scream and long days, whooooa!
    Benny & Lily

  12. I'm with Mom - hammock, books, cool drinks although the snacks are good too. Enjoy all! g

  13. You water dogs must love splashing around in the water eh?

  14. OH such fun to be had at your place... Your gonna have to have a bucket and spade and some sand to really get that party started. :-)
    Lots of luvs, Freya Rose Blossom X
