Sunday, November 18, 2012

Politics Is A Rough Sport

I'm numb. I had anticipated posting some photos of my Sky dog today and I'll do that soon, but in the never ending saga of the Portie Blog, we have a new development.
As you all know, we lost two important pack members last week. Samba and Sky both died of cryptosporidium infection which went thru our entire pack. The others were all able to fight it off, though some were pretty sick for a while. Samba, with her compromised immune system from her three year battle with MMM, was too weak to fight the bacteria and Sky, for unknown reasons, also became too ill to recover. With help from our vet and from the vets at the Missouri College Of Veterinary Medicine, we tried everything we could think of to save them, but it didn't end well.

Yesterday we took Sebastian to the vet because of hair loss and swelling in his hip area. The diagnosis is an infection in the hair follicles. Sebastian has always been an itchy dog and we've given him antihistamines and fish oil since he's been living with us. When he first arrived in July, his coat and skin were in pretty bad condition and they've improved a lot, but we're not sure what the underlying problem may be. He doesn't appear to have food allergies, so perhaps once we get this infection cleared up, he may be less itchy and have better skin and coat. He's taking antibiotics and getting medicated baths and we're confident we can help him get over this.
Last night I went downstairs to feed the dogs. I let all eight of them into the yard while I prepared their meals. Then I let four of them in to eat. When they were finished, I sent them back outside and brought the other four in. As they finished eating, I picked up the empty bowls. Fudge was last to finish and when I reached for his bowl I saw that it was covered with blood. I sent the others out and examined him. There was blood all over his chest and leg so I though at first that he'd injured his leg. Then I looked at his face and almost lost it. Blood was pouring from his right eye. The lid and area around the eye were hugely swollen and I couldn't see the eye. I didn't know if it was still there.

I called Rob who was out buying some groceries and I grabbed some cloths, wet them and held them to the eye to try and stop the bleeding. When Rob got home he called Dr B, but he was too far away and sent us to the emergency room. I sat in the back seat next to Fudge, who was very agitated, and held a compress to the eye. The emergency doctor took him right in, sedated him and checked the eye.
The eyeball is OK. He has three small lacerations to the inside of the upper eyelid. They were too small to suture, so he was given pain medication and drops were put in his eye and he was sent home, still unconscious. He woke up around 9 last night and was very groggy. We put drops in the eye before bed and this morning he could open the lid, though it's still very swollen. It's also a lovely rainbow hue, with lots of purple and blue amidst a little red and yellow. I was planning to take our Christmas picture today with Fudge wearing a Santa hat, but instead he needs a pirate's eyepatch.

So, what happened? There are several things going on here. First: Fudge is a bully and tease. He loves to grab another dog's toy and then shove it in their face while humming. Naturally the other dogs, don't appreciate this behavior and some react worse than others. Noah gets fed up and fights back and any other dog that touches Monkey has to deal with the wrath of Bailey.

Second: Rob and I are dealing with an overflow of stress this week. I know the dogs pick up on it and I've noticed short tempers several times over the past few days.

Third: There are two pack members gone, one was the pack leader. Now we're facing a realignment of the pack order and there are several candidates vying for the top spot. I know Fudge would love to be leader, but he's not all that popular with his pack mates. Bailey would have been my guess a few weeks ago, but suddenly I notice a change in Norma Jean and then there is the dark horse, Sebastian. He's acting more sure of himself and is starting to look like a possible leader.

Fudge may have run into something outside last night, but he probably got in the face of the wrong dog and found some teeth poking into his face. When we returned from the hospital we inspected everyone and didn't find any blood on any of the other dogs. We'll never know just what happened, but I suspect the campaign for pack order got a little too rough. From now on Rob and I'll supervise more closely till they get this all sorted out.
Fudge is going to be OK in a week or two and that's the important part right now.


  1. Oh poor Fudge! You guys need a dog free vacation to ease some of your stress!


  2. Fudge, what did you do! As Mom says you now need a eye patch, and be a pirate. You can box yourself up, get shipped here and go with Mom & Dad to their Company Christmas party in two weeks, then we will ship you back, and maybe the new pack leader will set you striaght!

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  3. Dude! You look worse than Mike Tyson after a match! Hope that heals up speedy quick.

    Sam and Pippen

  4. Oh, the fun just never ends at your estate!!! Oh, my Sue, you really have the endurance of a race horse! (okays, that didn't really sound right did it??) What I mean is, you are having all this stuffs going on (never mind the holiday comin' up), and still find times to fill us in, and (I know) smile.
    Sending you some adrenline, and some good thoughts!


  5. Hope they sort it out soon. We've occasionally had that argument over top dog status when pups get a bit older. Luckily, there have been no injuries, but the fights sound and look ferocious. SHE being alpha bitch, usually calls a halt to it.

    Bella came with demodectic (sp) mange. After a course of drinking 'sheep dip' it was cured. But it could come back if she's stressed. But we think your Vet could have picked that up.

    XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

  6. Oh my gosh. Fudge, give your mum and dad some peace ok mate? We have paws crossed that your eye heals very quickly. We're sending some relaxing slobber from Rory. Guaranteed to soothe and slime everybuddy. Take care all. You're in our hearts at this difficult time mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory (and Carol)

  7. I bet your heart was in your throat!! Yikes! I'm glad Fudge's eye is okay, and I wish your entire pack patience and peace as the pack re-alignment happens.

    We don't envy you the eye trouble, drops, etc., especially not on top of all the grief and stress already going on over there. Maybe Mugsy's and Fred's ghosts can visit Fudge and help him understand that it just isn't worth it.

    I am so thankful for my benevolent alpha-girl and the peace that reigns here, and wish more of the same for you!

  8. We are mustering up all the good sibe vibes we can and crossing our paws for luck to do a big turnaround for you. Time for some better days for all. Lots of hugs.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

  9. OMD!! Sending calm, assertive and peaceful vibes your way!

  10. OMG! You surely didn't need this on top of everything else! We hope your eye feels better soon, Fudge!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  11. What a rough few months. This is so scary. We are keeping all our paws crossed for you guys..
    Benny & Lily

  12. Oh, Sue! You just can't get a break! What a relief that Fudge's eye wasn't severely damaged! I hope things calm down for you all very soon. Sending you hugs!

    Susan and Wrigs

  13. So glad Fudge's eye is going to be okay. That is so scary when something like that happens. I always expect that someday the collie girls will have a knock down and drag out over something small. I hope that your pack settle down some. You are all tired and stressed, grieving and on edge. It would be nice if you could all have some space and rest from the situation, but that is seldom an option in a multi critter home.

    Take care,

  14. Oh Sue, how scary. I would have lost it too. I do hope they can come up with a new leader without any more bloodshed.

    How terrifying. I'm glad that Fudge is okay. g

  15. Oh wow, I hadn't considered the consequences of losing two dogs out of the pack, but of course the dynamics would change. Hopefully they will settle into their new group quickly.

    Darn it Fudge, you rascal. Eddy got bitten in the eye by a crazy dog once and it was awful-looking, just as you describe. But it healed up in no time at all. The $300 vet bill was paid by the other dog's owner.

  16. Fudge's eye looks like it must be better. Thats a plus! When a pair of dogs at my house had a big disagreement, the one that lost scratched the other's cornea . Maybe Fudge walked into some thorns (rose bush or??) I am very happy his eye is OK.
    I bet Sebastian is just itchng to head up this pack!



  17. Good grief! Fudge and Sebastian BE WEll! And to the whole pack, may I suggest the democratic voting process verses physical combat. Y'all need to give your folks a break!
    Sendin y'all some positive happy vibes.

  18. I was so relieved to read your final remark that he will be ok. What a mess. Thank goodness for emergency vets. This has been such an awful time for you and your pack. I hope things sort themselves out quickly. You need a break. I will keep your whole family in my thoughts today.

    Mango Momma

  19. Oh golly poor Fudge. We are so sorry you have so much stress at the moment.

    We do hope Fudge's eye heals very quickly and your pack will settle very soon.

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

  20. How awful for you to be dealing with so much stress and sadness. We also send Fudge (and you and hubby) bucketfuls of healing energies and hugs -
    Sammie, Avalon and Mom

  21. Poor Fudge! That looks miserable. I hope he feels better soon. Politics are nasty!

  22. Ouch! Fudge, that looks so sore. Just rest this week and your eye will feel better soon.

  23. I'm so sorry... when I read that on FB yesterday, I was just beside myself. You have been through far too much in 2012..... much love & hugs to everyone.

  24. So, you just made it through a national election, and here you are in the midst of another political campaign. Best of luck to you. Fudge, be careful, and remember, no one loves a bully!

  25. Oh my goodness! Poor Fudge!! That really looks like it hurts!! And Sue...I have no idea how you guys handle all of this stress! You two are amazing. Sending you all a bunch of healing thoughts and prayers that Fudge will be back to feeling better real soon. xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  26. Ouch! Poor Fudge! I sure hope it heals up quickly for him. Hopefully the pack gets straightened around and leaves you with a little less stress! :)

  27. Sue, I'm catching up on your posts and was reading this seeing my own pack in this one--We've had this same issue with Peking order and dynamics of the pack changing as dogs pass. Sometimes it's easy on the dogs, other times it isn't and we've had fights. But I know with you as the pack leader, they will get it all figured out...I hope that Fudge is feeling better!!
