Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Puppy Number Two

Red sky at night
Sailor's delight.                                      SKY

He was the second puppy born and for the first couple days was just called Number Two.
He was the first to bark and startled himself when he did it.
I called him my early warning system because he barked at anything that moved, including his brothers and sisters.
He was supposed to go live with a couple in Illinois, but days before he was to leave, I got a bad feeling. Rob asked some pointed questions and we learned that though the man was crazy about him, the wife wanted a little lap dog instead. I refused to send my Sky into a situation like that where he wouldn't be loved totally, so he stayed with us.
He was a big gentle puppy who grew into a big gentle dog. He was a good pup who didn't destroy things or mess up the house. He didn't even counter surf till last year.
He was a little lazy and didn't always pay attention. Samba had to talk to him about that sometimes.
His favorite thing in the world was to play ball. He would chase it till he was too tired to run. Then he would slowly bring it back and ask to have it thrown one more time.
He was a handsome boy with silver fox coloring.
Whenever he saw a camera, he'd sit up straight and smile.
He liked to help with whatever I was doing and if I was at the computer, he was at my side. In the evenings he'd stretch out beside my chair. That was his spot.

He loved to play or to ride or to just be with us, though he never did learn to like the water. When he saw the hose come out, he'd head for the other side of the yard. At the lake he'd just play in the shallow area. He was no swimmer.
I am heartbroken that we couldn't find a way to cure the infection that took him at only six years of age.
He will live forever in our hearts.


  1. Much love to you and the whole family Sue. I am still completely heart broken, so I can only assume what you are going through. Please know that we are thinking of you all daily... Hugs.

    Puppy Number Two is a handsome boy who will never be forgotten.

  2. What a lovely tribute to a beautiful boy. I'm heartbroken that I didn't get a chance to meet him or his Mom. g

  3. A lovely tribute to Sky. I love the pic of him climbing the stairs.
    We just (or I anyway) never really learned much about him except that he was mad for the Glo-ball and would chase it constantly. Six years isn't nearly enough time for a sweet pup to share his world, we are all cheated of that.

    My heart goes out to you as you grieve.

    Your pal,


  4. Sue, I'm so sorry to hear of this tragic loss. I know your hearts are breaking. Please know that I'm thinking of you.


  5. It's sad that you lost poor Sky at only 6 years of age, but your memories made me smile, especially his startling himself when he barked for the first time. He will be missed by all of us.

  6. So sorry about the loss of your boy. What a handsome fella. It's obvious that he was loved and I'm sure you have so many wonderful memories of him. I hope they help you get through this difficult time...

  7. What a beautiful tribute to such a handsome boy. You have so many wonderful memories and yes - Sky died way too young. (((hugs))) Sue and Rob.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch, Molly and Sue

  8. What can we say, only "We will see you at the bridge one day Sky"

    Your Sad Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  9. What an incredibly handsome boy he was. No more losses now, OK?

  10. What a beautiful boy indeed. My favorite photo is the one of the ball in the dishwasher, because Mugsy was my ball boy and he dropped his ball all kinds of places too.

    Maybe they're trying to wear out someone's arm over the bridge. I bet together, they could.

    Thanks for sharing more about Sky with us. We'll miss him too, even though we never got to meet him.

  11. Those are truly lovely memories. I love the baby pics, and the ball in the dishwasher! Oh, how I can relate. Sky was such a gorgeous boy, and so very lucky to have lived with such love and devotion from the bipeds and quadpeds.
    I know this must be killing you and Rob. I hope your holidays are filled with love, and that maybe it will start to mend your hearts. {{{{hugs}}}}}

  12. Your tribute to Sky is just so touching, Sue. We can feel your love for him in all that you say. We too are very sorry he couldn't get better, but you tried and he tried. He is happily reunited with Samba and Tsar. Hopefully that thought can lighten your heartache a bit.

    Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

  13. A lovely tribute. It is so sad that Sky only had six years with you, Rob and your pack, but in those six years he was loved and wanted so much (probably much more than many animals get in twice the nubmer of years).

    We will miss him too.

    Riley, Enzo and their human

  14. That was a lovely tribute to your beautiful boy.

  15. That was a lovely tribute to Sky. So much love poured out of every word. And yes, Sky will always be in your heart.

    I'd like to add Sky and Samba to "Our Rainbow Friends" if you don't mind. Could you send me your favorite pictures of them? You can send them to:

    I saw so many nice pictures of them so I thought I'd let you decide.


  16. I miss him and wasn't even mine. Oh man.

  17. To lose two wonderful dogs in such a short time is heartbreaking. My heart cries when i read you tributes to you furry babies.

    Sky will live forever in your heart.
    Run free Sky.

  18. Beautiful.... We're glad that he didn't go into that bad situation and could spend his life with you.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  19. He was much too young to go! We're thinking of you and your pack in this very difficult time.

  20. I'm so sorry. We were so hopeful. Sky is beautiful and you've put together such a lovely tribute.


  21. Deeply sorry to know the passing of that adorable puppy. All the best to your family and hope you can have another pooch to take care of very soon.

  22. Thanks so much for sharing these stories and photos of your precious Sky, Sue. What a playful, gentle, sweet guy he was. I know you treasure the wonderful years you had together. Hugs to you.

    Susan and Wrigs
