Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Changing Faces

With two new puppies in the house, I'm very aware that my other pups are grown up. They're six years old now although even Dr B still calls them the pups. Sunday I took some new photos of my kids.

Morgan is the old timer at 13. She moves slowly when we call her and sometimes doesn't respond at all, but you should see her chase a squirrel. She can really move when she wants to.
Fudge is next oldest. Does that seem possible? He'll be eight next week but still acts like a silly puppy most of the time. He and I have gotten closer since Samba died.
Then come the pups. Tess is the oldest. She's actually a day older than her siblings as she was born before midnight. She doesn't like having her picture taken and usually hides so this is one of the few photos I have of her.
Lola is next. She's a bit of a loner and likes to just go off and do her own thing but she'll join her sisters in a run around or a game.
Bailey takes my breath away. She looks so much like Samba that it brings tears to my eyes. She used to be a loner who just wanted to hunt or dig, but recently she's become very cuddly. She hangs around us and wants lots of hugs. She still carries one of her stuffed toys with her most of the time.
Noah is my little peanut. As the smallest he was always spoiled by the humans in his life and by his mama Samba. He knows he's a lap dog and he's also the dog who alerts us that someone is at the door or that the Fedex man has driven up. He likes to run and play with his sisters, especially Tess.
Norma Jean is our bigger than life superstar. She is a people dog and though she'll run with her sisters, she stays as close to me as she can get. She's ready for anything I want to do. She excels at swimming and with luck we'll get back into school this year so we can compete at Rally.
It's hard to think of Sebastian as younger than the others. At two he's still a puppy. He's quiet and well behaved and I forget that he's still a baby and needs some special attention. I'm going to try to get him into school too. I think not only can he compete in Rally, but he might be a good therapy dog.
Here are Lola and Bailey in a rare shot together. They seldom sit still together long enough for me to snap a photo.
Then, of course, there are Sydney and Mackenzie. They are making themselves part of the pack.
We're changing our internet carrier today. Hopefully it will go smoothly and I'll check back in later today, but there's always the possibility that the minute the tech leaves, the whole thing will go down. If you don't hear from us for a couple days, you'll know that we're working on getting back in touch. Wish us luck.


  1. Good luck!! What a beautiful bunch of pups - regardless of age. I called Mugsy my baby-man, and I have a feeling Gretchen will be "The Baby" at least through all of Sissy's life...

  2. Good luck with the internet! Hope everything works out. Abby is 13 and the 'baby girl' or 'baby dog'. Beau is 9 - I've noticed that his face is starting to 'white'. g

  3. Beautiful photos of your pack! I can't imagine caring for 10 dogs--wonderful and challenging at the same time. :-)

  4. Those are great pictures of your pack. I'm glad Sydney and Mackenzie are fitting in so well, and so is Sebastian, for that matter. Looks like you and Sebastian had a lovely walk yesterday, too.

    Good luck with the whole "changing internet" thing. This tech stuff can be torturous if it doesn't want to cooperate!

  5. Yippee! An even dozen of 12 dogs!

    All lovely guys I'd like to have in my neighborhood.

    You say most of them are pulling in closer to you. . .is that the result of losing two important pack mates?

    Bless them all, and their humans, too.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. Such a beautiful pack. All the different personalities.

    We totally understand the internet thing. Our modem was acting up, but hopefully, after a long call to India, it seems to be working. Good luck.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  7. Wow...I just can't imagine life with 10 dogs. I had a tough time having enough time when I just had 2 girls! They are a beautiful pack and you certainly make it seem easy :)

  8. What an adorable pack! It must be so much fun to have the puppies around!

    Your pal, Pip

  9. You sure have a great pack of BEAUTIFUL faces there!

  10. Oh, that was a great look at your pack!! Is it weird that your Porties remind Ma of her Old English? She gets all nostalgic...
    Anyhu, everyone looks great! I just love those furry faces!!!

  11. What a good idea, to stop and pay attention to changes that occur so gradually we tend not to notice. Abby & Jed are getting whiter muzzles, which was a shock to mama. Don't know why; her furs are almost pure white now, too. Mama's been wallowing in the daily minutia, between coping with her health issues & Jed's, and it's important to stop and look at the big picture. Thanks for the reminder.

    We hope that Sebastian's scabbing over means he's finally healing. If not, hope the scab comes off so the vet can proceed to find the source of the problem and fix it. If it's still bothering him, we have every confidence he'll manage to get the scab off :) Paws crossed.

  12. What beautiful pictures of your pack, Sue!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  13. Sue, I really loved reading about your pack. They each are truly special pups that have their place in your heart and home with their own unique personalities and antics that make your life whole!
