Saturday, October 26, 2013

Party Games

Let's see who's not afraid to get wet. We'll do some bobbing for apples and carrots. Silly me, I thought carrots would float. Wrong! Of well, they'll just have to work a little harder.
Rob filled up the big pink bucket but because Syd and Mac are so short, we also filled a smaller brown bucket so they could play. I was curious to see what they would do because they both avoid the water when we fill the pool.
Then we tossed in the goodies. Ok everybody, get a piece of apple.
Fudge was the first head into the water.
The little pan of water was busy, too.
This is a popular game at our house.
Mac was willing to get wet if it meant getting a treat.
Syd wanted to see what was in the big bucket.
She considers herself to be a big dog.
This time she was right.
The apples went first because they were the easiest.
Carrots on the bottom? No problem.
Game over. Sydney and Fudge were the big winners but everyone had fun and plenty of treats.
Did you miss one familiar face? Sebastian watched from a distance. No water in the face for him.
Due to the amount of fruit consumed, I decided to wait till tomorrow for cupcakes. No sick tummies tonight.


  1. Too funny every buddy is bobbing for treats

  2. What a fun birthday party!

    Bart, Ruby and Otto

  3. Bobbing for apples is so much fun! You'll never know if you don't try, Sebastian! I hope mom takes the clue and lets us bob/dunk for carrots!

    Love ya lots♥
    Molly and Mitch

  4. What a great game. We were bobbing for hotdogs the other day. Bella just about got them all until held back. I, Daisy, tried to drink all the water and Roxy waited to see if I'd drain the water off the hotdogs. We finally got a couple given to us and Bella got the rest.

    Looks like everyone had a great time...even Sebastian who just watched everyone get wet faces!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. What fun! It's too cold for that here - says Gretchen - but maybe on the next warm, sunny afternoon, I'll see if they'll put their faces in water. I'm guessing Sissy will and Gg won't, not even for food.

  6. Lovely to see, all enjoying the delights and the technique.

  7. Was that a happy birthday dinner or treat for the crazy pack of puppers, any who sure looked all had fun!

    The Mad scots

  8. This would also be a fun way to hyrdate them in the summer!

    Monty and Harlow

  9. That looks like such fun and carrots are my most favorite thing to eat! I occasionally bob for kibble when I push it into my water dish. I love the way all the doggies went after it!

  10. Look at all those happy babies... and LOVE seeing the young girls in there!
