Friday, August 15, 2014

A Most Wonderful Treat

Hi Everybody,
Mom says I have to give the blog back to her, so I decided to write one more post before she locks the office door and covers the keyboard. 

First before I tell you the treat news, I want to tell you about an old friend of ours who isn't feeling well. Maybe you can all stop by and say hi. That would cheer him up. Zeus is one of the Lapdogs and we've been friends for a long time. 
Over the past year he's been having some health problems but he's a big tough guy and he kept rolling. Now though he has a bad thing, he has vestibular syndrome. It means he feels dizzy every time he moves and that makes him feel sick in his tummy. The doctor gave him some medicine and says he has to rest. We've known several Water Dogs that have had this syndrome and it isn't any fun for them or their peeps but they have all gotten better.

Now about that wonderful treat. Noah and I are both on special diets because of our sick tummies. Mom makes Noah's food and I eat a special kibble made of duck and sweet potatoes. We both like our new food a lot and Noah has even gained two more pounds. The problem is that we can only have sweet potato chips for treats. Don't get me wrong, they taste great and we like them, but we always get sweet potato chips while all the other dogs get a whole medley of good treats that Mom keeps up high on the shelf. That's so that Bailey can't reach them and help herself.

Last week Mr Andrew notified Mom of this months selection of treats for our review. One of them was  Smooches made by The Honest Kitchen. We laughed about this because we wondered if there's a company called The Dishonest Kitchen. That's a little dog humor there.

Mom wasn't familiar with Smooches, at least the biscuit kind. We all give her smooches all the time. She did some online research and found out that Smooches were made in the USA of good ingredients like chicken and cranberries. We like chicken and cranberries but that meant that Noah and I couldn't try them.

But then something else caught her eye. The same Honest Kitchen company makes treats called Nuzzles and they're made from duck and cherries. Mom told Mr Andrew about our tummy problems and asked if he could substitute Nuzzles for Smooches.

Here comes the good part of the story. The big truck man came a couple days ago and handed Mom a package. Inside was a box of Nuzzles. We could hardly wait for Dad to open them. Mom said we could each have one to try but the rest of the box is for just Noah and me. Believe me, Nuzzles are delicious and make a great change from our chips.

Here's Sebastian demonstrating how we all have our paws crossed for Zeus to get better soon. Being ditzy is fun but being dizzy is awful.
Your pal, Fudge


  1. Mr. Andrew is wonderful to send you great treats like that! I'm so glad you are dealing with the Honest Kitchen, not the Dishonest Kitchen (I thought of that, too).

  2. Thank you you so much Fudge... And huge thank you to your amazing Mom! <3
    Great treat review too... Zeus just ate a tiny bit of peanut butter from his Kong... Hopefully he'll be begging for treats again soon!!

  3. Oh yum! There are so many treats out there to try.

  4. Howdy mates. Mmmmm, those treats looks fabo. Hope they are good for your tummy. We have paws crossed your mate Zeus feels better cause feeling dizzy and sick is not good. Poor fella. Take care all.
    No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  5. rooting for Zeus. We hope that the treats help.

  6. We are keeping Paws crossed and good thoughts that Zeus feels better soon. The Honest Kitchen is a wonderful company. mom switched us over to their food a couple tears ago. We love it! Mom says we even seem to gave more energy, have trimmed down a bit, our coats are even more shiny, I AND we just got excellent checkups at our vet. Those treats look very yummmmy
    Ernie and the furkids

  7. Our paws will be crossed for Zeus. We hope he feels better soon.
    Duck and Cherries? yummmmmmmmmmm

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  8. Mr. Andrew is wonderful about substitutions, isn't he? We've also wondered about the name the Honest Kitchen. We need honest, full disclosure with Sissy's allergies!

    We have crossed paws for Zeus too.

  9. Sebastian really fell on his paws the day he went through your door Sue. Sending you lots of love guys. xxx

  10. Yes, Andrew is really great! We sure do hope that Zeus will be feeling better soon. Dizziness is just dreadful. All paws crossed here too!!
