Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Water Safety

Hi Everybody,

Today we're going to talk about water safety. Because we're Water Dogs, we spend lots of time in and around water. Playing in water can be so much fun, but there are some things you and your peeps can do to make sure that you're safe while you enjoy the wet stuff.
Ok, let's say you're going to the pond or lake or the ocean and let's start with getting there. If you're lucky enough to get to ride on a boat and feel the wind in your furs, be sure you sit or stand nice and still. Your peeps will be busy watching where they're going and you need to stay put so you don't fall overboard.
That brings me to the proper water safety attire. Yeah, I know it feels best to go skinny dipping, but sometimes you need to put safety first. Some of us wear vests. They're bright colors making it easy to spot us in the water. They also give some floating support to inexperienced swimmers.
Morgan wears one because she's old and gets tired easily. The vest helps her swim so she doesn't have to exert so much energy.
Those of us who are experienced swimmers wear water harnesses. They're made for water competition so they fit nicely and give our legs freedom in the water. The most important thing about both vests and harnesses is that they have handles on the backs. So if you fall off the boat, your peep can grab the handle and haul you back in. Believe me, it works. Dad has had to pull some of us out of the water by the handle.
Next thing, if you're swimming at a place where people fish, you might find some great smelling fish parts on the beach. I know you'll be tempted to roll in them or eat them but DON'T DO IT. Those wonderful smelling fishy parts can contain one of these, a hook. These things can cut and rip your skin and if you swallow one, you'll soon be at the vet's office getting cut open. So, DON'T DO IT!

When you're swimming and especially if you're retrieving toys, it's easy to drink lots of extra water. Remember, all that extra water has to come out again later, so try not to gulp down lots of it.

If you're swimming in a pool, be sure you take time to see where the stairs or ramps are. When you're done swimming, you'll want to get out of the pool and if you haven't checked ahead of time, you won't know where to go to get out. Never swim in a pool, or anywhere for that matter, without your peeps around. Then if you get in trouble they can help you.

After swimming in a pool or at the ocean, have your peeps rinse you off with clean water. Chlorine can hurt your furs and salt can hurt your skin, so you need to rinse them off.

Drinking salt water can make you barf. Try to limit the amount of salt you take in. If you swim in a pond or someplace where the water doesn't move much and is in the sun, have you peeps check for 'blue green algae'. It grows in hot weather in still water and it can kill a dog if he swallows it. If you see blue green algae, don't go in the water.
If you can't get to a beach or a pool, you can still enjoy water play.  A wading pool can be lots of fun. You can splash water all over everyone standing close by.
 If there's no wading pool available, ask your person to turn on the hose or better yet hook up a sprinkler. It's great fun to run thru a sprinkler and try to catch the water drops. It's pretty safe, too. 
 You and your peeps can have a great time playing in and with water if you just just think about safety and follow a few rules.  Here for your viewing pleasure is a little film featuring some of our Portuguese cousins having some water fun. Grab some popcorn and enjoy!
Your pal, Fudge


  1. That was great! We only go in puddles and the edge of the river, so we don't wear special stuff. But it's good to know about the algae and stuff.

    We don't think you accidentally fall in when your dad has to pull out by your handles...BOL!

  2. What a great post, Fudge! Now if we could only go boating or swimming, we'd be all set on safety.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  3. Many thanks for this great post. I sometimes like to roll in parts of ole fishies, think I will do that no longer, you're right, that can be really dangerous.

  4. Pawsome Water Safety tips! Yap, fishing hooks are dangerous. Be careful if you see a young 2 legger with a fishing pole too -- don't want to get yourself hooked by them swinging the fishing pole wrong.

  5. This is a great water safety presentation!!! We will try to remember all of it if we ever get to ride on a boat or swim in some water:)

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. Thanks for the grreat tips! I'm not much of a swimmer, but the stuff about not drinking the water is impawtant. There's a pool at Grandma's house -- but it's so weird, it has SALT water in it! My sissy Cinderella likes to drink from it and Momma's always telling her NO!

  7. Excellent water safety advice, Fudge! Whenever we go canoeing, I wear my lifevest. Terriers are not known for the great swimming abilities...and I surely am not a strong swimmer and the vest really helps. I did not know about the blue-green algae so I am glad I stopped by this post!

  8. People say Scotties don't like water but I am the third one to live here and they all have enjoyed the water. They all enjoyed swimming with Lee. Maybe someday I will get a safety water vest. Great advice.
    Sweet William The Scot

  9. We have a pool but weenies DON'T swim. BUTT I have a lot of Jack Russell sisters who do! Thank you for a great post!

  10. What a perfect safety post for the Porties to do!!! :)

  11. Hey Fudge!
    Wow, what a fabulous post today! Thanks so much for sharing these great tips. I think your harness and vest are stylish as well as safe. The handles definitely work...had it used on me once too. BOL OMD you guys are super water professionals. Never thought about the hooks before I roll. Thanks again for hosting this fur us. Great job!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  12. 100% excellent information my new friends!! OMDs you all must have a ton of water expertise. You know you make the water sound like fun...maybe I'll rethink my view on water. You see I'm a cat...we don't do water except in our water bowls.
    I like your stylish vests.
    Dog gone that fishy hook looks barbaric...thanks for the warning 'cause being a cat I love fishies.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  13. Great post. a PFD for doggies is definitely the way to go boating or sailing. I learned to swim in a hot water pool with a PFD on and it helps a lot.

  14. Awesome!! You covered some very good tips
    Lily & Edward

  15. Thanks guys, great to hear all your water advice.
    Luv's Cat Flap Cavalier X

  16. Your rules make sense for the peeps, too! I love all of your pictures; it always looks like you guys are having great fun in the water. It's nice that Morgan was featured in one picture; she is a grand old lady.

  17. Hi Fudge! Great water safety information! We don't have access to big water. Mom needs to get us a little pool. Thanks for the lesson. ♥

  18. Hi Fudge, it is nice to meet you. We really appreciated your water safety tips. We live near a lake (it is maybe 1000 meters away) and we go there a lot. We never go in a boat. We didn't know about the dangers of blue green algae, we will watch for that. Thanks again for a great lesson. Hailey and Zaphod

  19. Thank you for this pawsome information! That was a lot to learn. I kind of...well I don't like water, except to drink so I think I am ok, but you never know. It is very very good things for all pals to know.

    Loveys Sasha

  20. What a super post, thank you Fudge! Us Scotties are not grrreat swimmers unlike you guys!!
    Wally & Sammy

  21. Great post. Our human head never thought about the dangers of us swimming in water with green stuff in it before.

  22. Well all we gots is a wading pool and a sprinkler system,, but thats great info for all Blogville pups to remember

    Thanks Fudge for being a part of safety week, we can never get out enough info for peeps to follow!

    Top Cop Bites

  23. Hey Fudge!
    Wow, I just had to stop back by to say thanks again for hosting Water Safety for us! Your post was super and I especially like the handles on the water vests and the tip about not rolling on anything that might have a hook. Thanks much for your hard work. You will be entered in the Host Appreciation Drawing for a cool prize. Random drawing to be held on Monday, August 18th.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish
