Friday, April 5, 2019

POTP For Sebastian

This morning Sebastian reluctantly got in the car for a trip to the hospital. It's been obvious to us for awhile that he's in pain, but we weren't sure where it was coming from.
He acts as if he has headaches but he also had nasty looking teeth and two small cysts on his right eyelids. So today Dr B was ready to remove the cysts and clean his teeth.

When we arrived to pick him up the doctor came out to talk to us. Sebastian's  teeth were all ok but he has gingival hyperplasia The gums grow over his teeth and trap bacteria. As he cleaned the teeth, the gums bled a lot and he had to trim them back a little. Ouch.

But the worst part was the eyelid surgery. The cyst on the lower lid was small and they easily snipped it off. The one on the upper lid looked similar but it had a large deep hard core. They had to remove a wedge of the eyelid and put in sutures. Super OUCH!

Sebastian is home wearing a fancy purple hat. His eye is very ugly with some bloody tear secretion that will last a couple days. He's still pretty much out of it, sleeping and sipping water occasionally.
We don't know where his pain was originating but having a big hard growth rubbing on his eye had to be awful. The gums also were probably sore so maybe when he's healed up in a couple weeks we'll see a happier Sebastian.
His stitches will be removed in two weeks. Until then he'll be on pain meds and antibiotics. He's a very good boy and I expect him to be cooperative during his recovery but he could use a little POTP just the same.


  1. OMD...You poor little boy! We're sending tons and tons of POTP and lots of PawHugs too. Feel better soon and no more ouchies!


  2. OH NOES!!!! Oh my pal, sendin' lots and lots of POTP and healin' vibes and tons of AireZens your way!!!! Lots of {{{hugs}}} to your MOms too, cause Moms tend to worry LOTS!
    Butts, on the bright side, you do look FABulous in your Royal Cone! I gots to get me one of those! wait...nevermind...
    Ruby ♥

  3. Poor baby! I'm crossing my paws for him!

  4. You poor boy, Sebastian. We sending you tons of AireZen and healing vibes! Feel better soon!

  5. Poor Sebastian. We're sending POTP. We so hope that the cause of his pain has been eradicated....even if he has to wear the cone of shame for awhile!

  6. Poor, sweet Sebastian. I hope he's feeling better soon.

  7. Oh Sebastian, we gots our paws crossed for you!!

    -Otto and Osa

  8. Lots of healing vibes for Sebastian! I've no doubt that once he's past the healing he'll feel much better.

  9. Poor sweet Sebastian. We are sending him lots of prayers.
