Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Spring Has Arrived, Maybe

Woof Bloggers,
Does it  seem to you like Mother Nature is bipolar?  Last week, I think it was Thursday we had a BIG rain storm with sky flashers and thunder boomers. It went on and on and we thought we'd never be able to go outside to pee before bed. Mom sat up watching TV and waiting till it quieted down a little, then we all ran outside, peed really fast and ran back in again. 

On Saturday night the temperature went down to 27 and  I didn't want to go out in the cold morning. We got more rain and lots and lots of wind that brought down loads of sticks for us to chew. Now today it's sunny and 75 degrees. Yesterday Mom was wearing her jacket and today she's in short sleeves.

Since today is so nice we decided to look for signs of Spring in the yard. The Maple tree is loaded with little red helicopters. They'll be flying all over the neighborhood pretty soon.
The wild rose that grows on the fence is getting some little green leaves. Dad keeps cutting the vine back because it grabs Mom's hair when she walks by it, but it will have some pretty white flowers soon.

The iris leaves are up and that means the flowers will be here soon.
These little white weed flowers are all over the front yard.
In the back yard the Cherry tree is in full bloom.
What's that bright yellow color over the back gate?
It's the huge Forsythia.
The Bleeding Heart is coming up in the rock garden.
Mom was really happy to see the first little violet of Spring. Those are her favorite flowers and the birds have been so busy that the wild violets are taking over the whole back yard. It's OK with her.
Gee Mom, the TV guy said that ball season has started, so how about a game?
 I love Spring!
Keep wagging, 


  1. It certainly looks like Spring. Hope Mother Nature takes her meds soon, so it evens out.

  2. It all looks lovely there. Spring keeps showing up for a day here then retreats

  3. OMD, you guys finally gots the blooms! yay!!!! Yeah, winter hasn't given up the ghost here eithers....still rainin'. sigh. butts at least we gets some sun in between, so it's better than it was last month! BOL
    Hey, throw that ball over heres!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  4. Our weather is on a rollercoaster too. Your blooms are just beautiful, Miss Sue!

  5. You're a couple of weeks ahead of us, Mackey, but you give me hope for the spring! Have fun playing ball.
