First and most important, we planted Lucy's tree this morning. We chose a spot in the lower corner of the yard where she liked to hunt for bugs. The tree we selected is a River Birch which usually grows quickly. Of course, we had to put a wire cage around it to protect it from the pack of wild Portuguese Stick Eaters until it gets big enough to defend itself.
Morgan was the only dog allowed to attend the tree planting. Did you ever try to dig a hole and plant a helpless plant with the help of eleven crazy dogs who all want to get in on the action? We've made that mistake before. One time I planted a whole flat of impatiens plants in a row along the fence. What I didn't realize was that my furry helpers were following behind me digging each plant up as I moved on to the next.
Good-bye Lucy
Here is another reason I didn't let the others help. Check out the dirty feet on Morgan.
As far as my other projects are concerned, I have been making some progress. My current 'sit in front of the TV' task is a cross stitch pillow of a Corgi to be used as a raffle item by one of the local dog clubs. It's coming along nicely.
I used to do cross stitch all the time. I was never without one in progress. Then three years ago I stopped. It was when Fudge came to live with us. He took a major interest in my work and especially liked to steal my embroidery floss. It just was too much of a hassle trying to keep it our of his reach, so I gave it up temporarily. Well, it turned into a long suspension. A few times I thought about starting a piece, but the drive just wasn't there. Then a friend needed cheering up and I started a piece for her. It felt so good to be stitching again that I immediately started a second piece. Now I have a lot of ideas dancing around.
I am having a terrible time finishing the afghan. The knitting has been done for a month. All I have to do is weave in the ends and fringe it. For some reason, I can't seem to get started. It won't take long, if I can just get going. I won't let myself start another knitting project until it's done, and I have yarn for a Christmas afghan for myself , so today is the day. I will finish the afghan.
I have two orders for dog sweaters. One is a pink ruffled sweater with a fancy collar for a therapy dog that makes visits to hospitals and nursing homes. Her owner wants her to dress up for her visits this winter. The other is a sweater with a snood for a dachshund who is so low to the ground that he feels the cold on his chest.
I found this wonderful fleece the other day. I want to make myself a jacket or pullover with it. I'm also feeling Christmas fast approaching. I know of a couple gifts I want to make for friends. It's late to get started on Christmas. I usually start that in January or February, but this year time got away from me.
Check out this neat painting of Portuguese Water Dogs that arrived in the mail this week. It's done by Kris and I have a special spot on the wall reserved for it.
Well, I guess it's time to tackle that afghan so I can move on to the next thing on the list.
1 comment:
Your cross stitch is beautiful, and I won't ever be able to thank you enough.
Neither Mugsy nor Fred bothered plants or trees. Sissy is another story. She also dug up Mugsy's beach memorial the very night the Knight assembled it.
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