Could you ask for a cuter face that this? Morgan will be ten years old in November. She's a sweet little animal that is shy with anyone but her own family members, but she's a tough little girl that has overcome some health problems and is living life to the fullest.
Morgan was a neglected puppy who was malnourished.
Here she's taking her toy to show to her friend Spooky who lives across the street.
Morgan stays close by Rob. Here she carries her toy around while he paints. She's always ready to climb in the car and go with us and will try almost anything. She's loving and trusting and there's no better companion.
Tsar will be eight years old in November. He and his littermates were abandoned at a shelter. If the family didn't want puppies, why wasn't his mother spayed?
Tsar acts more like a cat than a dog. He's very aloof but he does like to play with Rob.
He's a very strong dog and has to be reminded not to nip when he plays, but he listens.
Everyone likes to have their backs scratched.
Rob and Tsar having a conversation.
These two dogs are pure joy to live with. They each have some baggage from their former lives. Many shelter dogs do, but it's nothing that can't be handled with patience and love.
I adore Portuguese Water Dogs and hope to always have some of them in my life, but I'll also always have an adopted dog that needs a home. There's room in my home and my heart for both.