Samba wants to thank everyone who sent her get well wishes. She especially wants to thank the ones who told her about getting ice cream when your have tonsillitis.

She's been a very good patient, taking her medicine without a struggle.

This morning when she woke up she felt much better. She was ready to try to eat and ran around the yard with the other dogs. She even has been making some noise today.

Now she says she's ready for that ice cream.
Glad she's feeling better. That always makes me feel like I might know what I'm doing! LOL! Hope she enjoys her ice cream, I'm enjoying mine!
I am so happy that she is feeling beter. I agree I think ice cream will perk her up and make her feel a whole lot better.
Oh, I do hope she's had a bit of ice cream! It always makes ME feel better...
Tonsilitis? Wow--that brings back memories for the old-coot, baby-boomer humans in the family! We're glad you've got those antibiotics and all that ice cream!
Hope Samba gets much better, and soon!
Buster, Persephone & Bailey
Great news - the wonder of medicine. And now we bet she loved that ice cream.
woos, the OP Pack
What yummy medicine.
Sally Ann
I say she should get some ice cream! Always hits the right spot. Definitely my #1 comfort food, shouldn't be any different for a dog!
But did she get some? My kids get ice cream all the time. I hope you gave her some - poor baby deserves a treat. g
I didn't know pups got tonsilitis!But any that do certainly deserve ice cream!
I'm glad she's feeling better. I hope she gets her ice cream. Would it help if I had some ice cream here in sympathy for her sore throat? LOL!
We're glad she's feeling better. Ice cream should make her well.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Glad she's feeling better... enjoy your ice cream Samba!
She told Thor she wants that multi scoop, colorful cone. Thor wants one, too.
Wow! Look at that super duper ice cream cone! Enjoy it, Samba!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and mitch
glad she's feeling better... but i gotsa say that just cause she feels a wee bit better it doesn't mean the ice cream should stop!!! BOL!
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