Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Mixed Bag

This morning I was quite excited to head off for the doctor's office to get my stitches removed. That part went well, but (there's always a but, isn't there) the doctor wasn't pleased with my progress. The incision has healed nicely and he said it looked great, if you think a swollen blue area over an ugly red scar looks great.

Four of my fingers are moving smoothly and have no stiffness or pain, but I still can't bend the thumb. When the doctor bent it, there was still a catch and that didn't please him at all. He said it may start moving better once the swelling goes down some more and I'm to try using it as much as the pain allows without forcing it. If it doesn't move normally by Christmas, he may need to try an injection to help promote faster healing. So, I'm bummed!

I knew there was a fairly long recovery but I really hoped it would be farther along by now and that he would give me a bit more encouragement. Doctors!!!

On the brighter side, today is (gasp) the third birthday for the little girls Sydney and Mackey.
Mac has turned into a sweet little companion except for her shrill bark when she gets excited, which is just about any time Rob moves.

Syd has had a much harder three years and made life tough for everyone in her orbit. The Prozac does seem to be helping her, we haven't had an incident of aggression in weeks, but we also try to give her  plenty of space. She knows to wait till all the other dogs have come into the house before she comes to the door and she spends lots of time outside by herself working off her demons with exercise. The results aren't in yet, but they look promising.
 So, happy birthday girls, you've made our lives more exciting though not always in a good way.
 Tonight we'll celebrate with a special birthday dinner for the whole pack.


Dandy Duke said...

Happy Birthday, Syd and Mac! We continue to pull for you, Syd! Keep up the good work! We're sending more healing vibes your way, Miss Sue. We hope your thumb loosens up soon!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Happy Birthday Syd and Mac. Sending POTP your hand heals soon!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday to Syd and Mac from all of us. You have some very special parents who do so much to make you have good lives.

Sue, we do hope your hands improves for you sooner rather than later. It is hard to be patient when there are things to be done that require hands.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We remember when they arrived! They certainly found the best of homes. Happy Birthday, Girls. Hope there are sprinkles!

rottrover said...

Happy Birthday, little girls! Sue, sending you POTThumb! Oh, and some patience.

Ruby said...

Happy Happy Happy Burthday gurls!!! I gots my paws crossed that you will continue to gets better with the Prozac and stuffs Syd! I gots faith in you!
Oh, and Ma so feels (a little) for your thumb situation! She tweaked her right thumb and has been hopped up on Advil and braces for a few weeks now...you just don't realize just how impawtent that digit is!! Who's gonna open my treatie bags???? I am worried....I could starve!!!
Butts, I am sendin' you TONS of POTP and healin' vibes and AireZens abouts your thumb....I just know it'll be as good as new in no time!
Ruby ♥

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, they're three already!? It seems like just yesterday they joined your pack! Happy barkday, girls!

Lapdog Creations said...

Wow - 3 years have gone by already? That doesn't seem possible. They are gorgeous girls who luckily ended up in the right home.
I hope your healing goes well and that the thumb starts working better!

Two French Bulldogs said...

And what beautiful big girls! Happy Birthday
Lily & Edward

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Three Years!!! WOW. I remember when the girls were just little puppies!

Take care of yourself and give yourself lots of time to heal!

Happy Thanksgiving

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Praying for your thumb to heal and happy birthday to your girls