Monday, February 4, 2013


The girls love the big back yard and race from one end to the other.
But their favorite place is still the rock pile.
They explore and chase each other over and around the rocks.
Here Sydney is crouching, getting ready to pounce on Mac.
They spend a lot of time rock climbing before going on to other activities.

After running and pouncing and climbing, it's nice to find a stick and a soft place to settle down to chew.
Finally, dogs with muddy paws get them rinsed off before going back inside. That part isn't so much fun.
Can you see the worry lines on Sydney's forehead?


  1. What cute, happy girls! Thanks for sharing them with us. We look forward to watching them grow up.

  2. The wonderful days of being a pup is such a loving home :-) AH.... x x x

  3. The worry lines are priceless. Don't you just want to reassure her that the world is a good place to be.

  4. I think she's worried about the upcoming BATH in that last picture! Cute girls.

  5. That rock pile sure looks like a lot of fun
    Benny & Lily

  6. They'll learn to like having their feet washed, so they can come in quickly and play indoors (or nap). It's the only way poor Mom can keep her sanity and not wash the floor constantly. They are just adorable!

  7. Bet you could watch them all day. They're so cute and grow so quickly.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. OMD! They are SO cute!! I bets you could sit and watch em' for hours if you could! I'm so glad your takin' lots of pics...Ma says she misses the puppy phase...well, SOME of it!

  9. How do you stand it? They are so darn cute! Seriously adorable. And yes - Sydney looks very worried! g

  10. Oh my goodness!!! Cuteness overload!! We could play with them all day on that rock pile!! How fun to watch them!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  11. They are so cute and they're sure having tons of fun!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  12. Look how big the girls are getting! LOVE!
