First things first, make some yellow snow.
Wow, what shall we do first? Tsar tasted some to be sure we weren't fooling him. Samba, in the red jacket wanted Rob to throw snowballs, but there was't really enough snow for that.

Sky and Noah strolled along, sniffing and tasting.

The girls decided on a chase. They really made the snow fly as they circled the yard.
I had a mission this morning. I wanted them all to wish all of you a Happy New Year, so I called them in for pictures. Please excuse the wet sloppy faces.

Fudge says, "Happy New Year to all my fan club members, and especially to Gaylen, the President and Lucy, her hot doggie girl."
Morgan says, " Come back and visit with us some more next year, and please bring bacon."

Sky says, " If you're in the area, stop by and play ball with me. Anytime is OK, because I have a new glowball that shines at night."

Tess says, "Do I have to look at the camera? OK, Happy New Year, now can I go?"

Norma Jean says, " Hi, come play with us, we love company either in person or on our blog. Oh yeah, have a Happy New Year."

Tsar says, " Happy New Year to everyone and I hope you doggies get lots more snow to run and roll in."

Noah says, " Playing in the snow can tire a dog. I think I need a nap here in the window. Come visit us again next year."

Holly says, "Hello." That's the only word Holly knows.

Samba says, " Thank you all for your good wishes this year when I got so very sick. I wish all you dogs and cats and other animals, and your human families, too, a happy and most of all a healthy 2010."
Lola and Bailey both said, " We're having too much fun in the snow, we're not coming in for pictures."
I think my pack summed it up. Thank you for dropping by our blog and leaving such wonderful comments. We read every one of them. We feel like we've made some wonderful new friends and look forward to getting to know you even better next year. Happy New Year everyone!!