First things first, make some yellow snow.
Wow, what shall we do first? Tsar tasted some to be sure we weren't fooling him. Samba, in the red jacket wanted Rob to throw snowballs, but there was't really enough snow for that.

Sky and Noah strolled along, sniffing and tasting.

The girls decided on a chase. They really made the snow fly as they circled the yard.
I had a mission this morning. I wanted them all to wish all of you a Happy New Year, so I called them in for pictures. Please excuse the wet sloppy faces.

Fudge says, "Happy New Year to all my fan club members, and especially to Gaylen, the President and Lucy, her hot doggie girl."
Morgan says, " Come back and visit with us some more next year, and please bring bacon."

Sky says, " If you're in the area, stop by and play ball with me. Anytime is OK, because I have a new glowball that shines at night."

Tess says, "Do I have to look at the camera? OK, Happy New Year, now can I go?"

Norma Jean says, " Hi, come play with us, we love company either in person or on our blog. Oh yeah, have a Happy New Year."

Tsar says, " Happy New Year to everyone and I hope you doggies get lots more snow to run and roll in."

Noah says, " Playing in the snow can tire a dog. I think I need a nap here in the window. Come visit us again next year."

Holly says, "Hello." That's the only word Holly knows.

Samba says, " Thank you all for your good wishes this year when I got so very sick. I wish all you dogs and cats and other animals, and your human families, too, a happy and most of all a healthy 2010."
Lola and Bailey both said, " We're having too much fun in the snow, we're not coming in for pictures."
I think my pack summed it up. Thank you for dropping by our blog and leaving such wonderful comments. We read every one of them. We feel like we've made some wonderful new friends and look forward to getting to know you even better next year. Happy New Year everyone!!
Thor is glad you guys got some snow to play in. Happy New Year to all of you, and we're glad to meet Holly!
Sasha and Misty say Thank You! for all the nice New Year's wishes. They wish they could learn about this "snow" stuff. It sounds fun.
What a sweet, fun post! Sissy would love to stop by and play in the snow - or have you come enjoy hers, since with a twist of fate, we seem to have more than you do (STILL!). Gretchen would be delighted to nap with Noah; she finds the snow a bit cold and not so fun...
Happy New Year!
They're so cute!!!!
MaggieMae insisted I leave a comment, and wish your whole pack a healthy and very good New Year in 2010!!
Even a little snow is a good thing. The deeper it gets the more fun it is, though. I like to stick my head way down in the snow and see if I can find anything. Sometimes an old tennis ball! Keep on having fun you guys, and get well Samba, and soon!
Happy, healthy new year to all of you. Thanks for the Award too, its a good one.
I couldn't get my cockatiel to say anthing, so Hello is pretty good!
snuffs doesn't know what to do with snow, but she prefers it to rain. hellooo holly, what a beauty, and HNY to you and rob and the gang.
It was so lovely to see all the gang playing in the snow.
Happy New Year to you and Rob and all those wonderful doggies. I hope the coming year will be a happy and healthy one.
Thank you so much for the award, Sue, in your last post! My internet has been spotty, which is why I'm commenting back so late. I will blog about it in my next post.
Hope you and your family have a happy New Year. It has been great getting to know you and your pack of Portis. (And Tsar and Morgan too!)
Happy New Year to you all as well!
Sydney loves the snow too. Happy New Year to you and your pups!
I'm still LOL at the first shot... thought I was the only one who managed those shots, ha ha!
Great pics... Happy new year!
We are thrilled that you got snow!
Happy new year!
We hope that 2010 is a wonderful year for all of you!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We got lots of snow over the weekend and a little more yesterday - but it is so cold that we think the snow will be around for a while yet.
Happy New Year to you and wishes from us to you for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Thank-you for your email and for your visit to our blog. We love company too, especially the ones we don't have to clean house for!!
It is 10.55pm so only 1 more hour of 2009 than the best year ever 2010 !!
How many pups are their at your house??????
Love the bird!!
Here's to another year of friendship and smiles and holding up each other through the trials. Over the past year you have brought us many giggles, some laughter and always a feeling that the world is a better place because you are in it.
Wow--there are sure LOTS of you guys over there in the Portie-Land Theme Park! We hope your New Year is an awesome one.
We were deeply touched and honored that you gave us the Superior Scribbler Award! It's posted proudly on our blog, and we will treasure it.
Stay away from dry land this year--remember, it was the Porties who swam away from the foundering Armada in 1588 off the coast of the Old Sod who mated with the native terriers to create--US! The Kerry Blues with the not-quite-black coat and a singularly un-terrier-like love of diving into deep water...
Happy New Year,
Buster, Persephone & Ms. Bailey Blue the Preeminent Diva of the Known Universe
Happy New Year to both of you humans and all the puppies!!!
We are into PB at the pond...
A very Happy New Year to all of you! We´re here to share more adventures with you! You´re such wonderful friends too!
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