This year's color is red and we have animals joining us from all over the world. There are pets here from Washington to Florida, New York to California. You'll meet over 100 pets from six continents. If only someone in Antartica had sent us a penguin in a bandana, we'd touch every continent.

Wherever possible I have linked each pet's name to his or her blog or website. Over the next few days visit them, introduce yourself and tell them you saw them here. It's a great way to meet some wonderful animals and make some new blogging friends.
Now meet our friends and prepare to smile....

Maggie and Mitch
from Connecticut
from Massachusetts

Maggie Mae
from New York
from New Hampshire

from Illinois

from Illinois

Gordy and Georgie
from Washington

from Pennsylvania

from Missouri

from Missouri

from Missouri
from The Philippines
from The Philippines
from The Philippines
from The Philippines
from The Philippines
Wai-Pai and Wai-Max
from The Philippines
from New York

from Washington

Ernie, Sasha, Roo and Chica
from Washington

from California
from Massachusetts

from Massachusetts
Baby Rocket Dog
from Idaho
from Idaho

Dory and Jacob
from Texas

from Texas

from British Columbia, Canada

from France

Dom Perignon
from Malaysia
from Oregon

from California

from Illinois
from Missouri

from Arkansas

Rosemary Joy
from Michigan

from Michigan

Camille Suzanne
from Michigan
from Michigan

Samantha and Avalon
from California

from Scotland

from Australia

from New Zealand

from Shropshire UK

Minna Krebs
from Texas

Eddy and Reuben
from Oregon
from California

from California

from Massachusetts

from Virginia

from Virginia

from New York

from Michigan

from New Hampshire

from New Hampshire

from New Hampshire

from New Hampshire
Abigail Jane and Dudley
from Washington

Beauregard James
from Washington

from Washington
from Mexico

from New York

Riley wearing his Koru bandana
from New Zealand
from New York
from Brazil

Baby Patches
from California

from New Jersey

from New Jersey

from New Jersey

Bessie and Bob the Goose
from New Jersey
from Missouri

Indiana Bones
from Tennessee

from Tennessee

from Tennessee

from Tennessee

from Tennessee

from Tennessee

from Illinois

from Oregon
Thor and his student Ryan
from Pennsylvania

from Florida

Just Harry
from Florida
from Oregon

from Kentucky

Molly with her friend Cooper
from Kentucky

from Kentucky
King Toffee
from South Africa
Lady Tammy
from South Africa

from Washington

from Washington

from Washington

from Washington

from France

from Maryland (formerly from Portugal)

from Maryland (formerly from Portugal)
Sierra Rose
from California
Phantom, Thunder and Ciara
from Kansas
from Missouri

from Minnesota

Ali Zophia
from Minnesota

Sallie Marie
from New York

Sammy P. Jammies
from Washington

Carrleigh, Piper and Lilly
from Virginia

Ruairi and Becky
from Virginia
Sally Ann
from Georgia
from Scotland
from Washington
from Missouri
from Missouri
from Michigan

Daisy, Bella and Kendra
from Australia

from Kentucky
from Missouri
Norma Jean
from Missouri
from Missouri
from Missouri
from Missouri
from Missouri
from Missouri
from Missouri
from Missouri
from Missouri
Thanks for sharing Bandana Day with us.
Wow! What a bunch of great photos!
I'd say this holiday is a success :)
That sure was a long list of bandana day furry friends :) thanks a lot Sue for posting our photo. It sure is a success.
My love to Fudge and gang :)
OMD, there are so many and I want to meet all the ones I don't already know. That could take a while, though. I thought this would be great but it's even better than I thought. Thanks so much for doing this. It's been great fun pawticipating.
wags, Lola
I took a quick peek before I went to bed and surprise there they all were! What a wonderful job Sue in uploading all those darling photo's. I had the best time looking at all those sweet faces. We are going to do this every year... right?
Thanks. You have done a great job putting this all together. It is wonderful to see so many dogs and cats from around the world!
Wow just look at all these bandanas! So many handsome faces! Thanks for sharing. Hope all is well with you.
i see meeeee--hehe. yay for bandana day~!! :D
can't wait for next year~! :)
Thanks for doing Bandana Day, Sue and the Porties, this was lots of fun to see all these critters in their bits of red clothing! An easy get together that didn't cost anything, no one had to be the very best, a great little meet-up!
For all you did for it, hoorah!
Jo, Stella and Ali Zophia
Hello from France! This is so totally awesome. We have scrolled all the way through but will do so again at leisure as we think tere are many new friends to discover in there! In the meantime, Yuu-Chan was trhilled to find himself between two lots of dear friends, The 4Bs, and Hero & Tagpi!
Thanks for organising this wonderful vent!
Everybody looks so happy and spiffy in their red bandanas - even the baby goose!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
WOW!! Sue, what a lot of work for you, but an outstanding post and a stunning success!!
All of the pictures are wonderful - even a baby duck got in the action -so sweet!!
Hope things are going well for you - we miss you and the Porties.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and Lynn
That was AMAZING! So many wonderful photos. Thanks so much for putting this together (and next time we will be more attentive to the deadline, I promise).
This is an incredible effort on your behalf!
Heartiest congratulations!
You are an absolute star!
It is so wonderful to see all these beautiful companions together!
You have done an absolutely superb job for us all and I can't thank you enough!
You really deserve an award of some sorts for this! Consider yourself hugged!
With love and thanks
(And on behalf of "King Toffee" and "Lady Tammy"
Woof! Woof! Delighted to participate in your Bandana Day. Lots of Golden Thanks. LOVE all the photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Well done to Sue and the Porties gang. It was great fun and we're glad so many participated! Look forward to next year.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
What a great bunch! Loved them - we think Bailey managed to look the most miserable right enough!
Good work guys - we are showing this post to Martha - maybe she will chill out in time for next year.
Martha and Bailey xxx
Nice to meet you! This is a most wonderful idea. Everyone looks so nice wearing their red. My mom forgots to send my picture in (she just did it this morning) but I will put them on my bloggie for today, so come visit me there!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
LOL... Oh my goodness Sue this is so cute!!! Thank you so much for hosting. I can't wait to go visiting ♥
Lots of fantastic photos! Thanks for all the hard work in putting it all together.
Sam and Pippen
Thank you for putting this together - everyone looks great, but Foxtail sure does stand out! :)
Glad I could get our camera phone pics to you last night... uploading some more shots on our blog today! :)
You know, Gail made me look carefully at every single photo and kept saying, "see Bertie, it's not so very difficult, wearing a bandana, is it, and don't all those doggies look cute? Thanks a bunch, Sue!"
Toodle pip! Bertie.
PS from Gail: huge apologies on behalf of my ungrateful puppy, and, really, thank you for your efforts in organising the event and gathering together such a great collection of photos for us all to enjoy!
I don't think my last comment went through, but I wanted to extend my congratulations on an outstanding job in putting this wonderful post together! You have given us all so much pleasure with all the pictures of our beautiful canine companions. Thank you and thank you again!
Sending lotsaluv
I have never seen such a mass of well loved and blessed dogs all in one place before! What a super event! Just super!
Sue, this is a marvelous assemblage of friends! You even have a gosling! Happy Bandana Day (which is also my daughter's 21st birthday)!
Marjie and Thor
Happy Bandanna Day!!
What a wonderful group of doggies! We are so proud and happy tthat we could be part of this!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
What a great bunch of photos! This is such a great idea. I love seeing the dogs (and other creatures) from all over the world!
How did your second surgery go? Hugs from your red bandanna friends in New Jersey!
Thanks Fudge to you and your mom for all your hard work. Do we know what color next year will be? I vote for green, I look really good in green. Beau <3
What awesome photos! Thanks Sue for posting Fuji! Love seeing all the different doggy pics! Fabulous!
What a treat! So many beautiful faces all sporting a little red. Thank you so much, Sue, for all your hard work. Hope you're doing well. We're off now to visit some new blogs and make some new friends.
Janet and Sydney
OMC! Dere are lots of kitties dis time too! So Pawsome! Thanks you for putting dis togethers, so much fun. I looks forward meeting all da new furriends.
Hi a great job Sue, all the family have injoyed looking at the piccys
See yea George xxx
Awesome show of RED!!! We were surprised at how many pups and kitties we actually know. Great job, thanks for the fun time.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
WOW!!! Very pawsome! That was a long list & a lot of work on your part. Thank you for putting it all together. We saw pups we know & pups we don't know yet. But it will be fun to visit them. You did Good!!! We enjoyed it very much.
Happy Red Bandana Day, Sue, Fudge and gang!
Congratulations! Such wonderful photos. And a great turn out. We are happy to be part of the 2nd Bandana Day 2010 --- thanks so much! This is fun. We will also do the round to meet all these great furry friends in the coming days.
This is truly a success! Weeeeeee
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies
Hi Sue...I was barking with Maggie Mae this morning beclaws she was all upset that her mom didn't send her red bandana picture in to you in time and I had something to complain about to beclaws my mom forgot too! I noticed you made Maggie Mae very happy by including her picture in your bloggie today and I was wondering if you could add my picture too! If you can't I will understand beclaws I bet you have lots to do other then attend to mothers who are notoriously late all day long! HeeHee!
On a happier note, I want to thank you for helping all of us have fun meeting everybuddy here! What a fantastic idea to gather everyone together in such a fun (and silly) way! case you haven't mom started a BOOK GIVEAWAY CONTEST on Monday and if you'd like a chance to win please click on the short haired lady (who's holding a book) at the top right of my mom's blog furr details!
Bye for now!
Love, Daisy the Coonhound
Wow! Wow! Wow!! What fun! Big smiles looking at each pal with their red bandana. Horaay for Bandana Day! Thanks for hosting this event :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
What a project and you did it sooo successfully! Loved scrolling through all the pictures and wondering why I don't know over half the pups, kitties, goats and so on - thank you so much for doing this. I hope your procedure went well - I bet you posted about it and I missed it - will look right now!
My best wishes to you and the Porties! xoxoxoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Mom
WOw, Fudge,
Soooo bootiful
It was gweat to see old and new fwiends all pawticipating and looking vewy spiffy in theiw bananandanas! This was such a cool idea!!1
Thank you fow all youw wowk!!!!
btw..evewyone in youw gang suwe looks pawfect!
I love them all
smoochie kisses
Dear Sue,
I think you are the nicest lady in the world for letting me pawticipate in your Red Bandana Day even though I was really, really late all beclaws my mom was so slow to send my picture to you! I am still gonna post a bloggie about you beclaws it's the only way I know how to thank you for helping me out!
XOXO...Daisy the Coonhound
Oh look at all the lovelies in red! Beautiful! And thanks Sue, for grabbing MaggieMae's photo to include her. I've been a bit under the weather. Doing better now... and I apologize for not sending her pic to you, but soooo glad you grabbed it! Nice red bandana parade!!
Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!
Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful post!! SUCH a great idea - it was so nice to see so many friends from around the world all sharing together!
Thank you for organising this and putting it all together!
Honey the Great Dane
ps. by the way, I have actually moved to Australia now - I was born in NZ and lived there all my life but my family moved to Australia last Christmas and we are in Brisbane now.
what a PAWSOME bloggie you have put together for red bandana day! My mums is amazed at all the hard work you had to do to put all the furrends pikturs on here.
Thank you so much! I can't wait to meet some new furrends!!!
Hi Remington here! I just found your blog! That is the coolest thing EVER! I hope we can be great friends!
That's a lot of great pictures! Debbie and Holly
oh we so so so wish we had seen this early we will most certainly enjoy keeping up with all your antics loves and licks
Oh, Bandana Day has been soooo much fun! So many fun doggies to meet! Thank you so much for including us!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
That was fun! Thanks for Bandana Day! Now I have lots of doggies to visit!
WOW! What a list! That is pawsome! I hope I can participate next year!! We came over from Lola's and The Teacher's Pets' bloggies. It's so nice to meet you!
We just got done visiting all of the blogs that participated and would like to THANK YOU so much for hosting this wonderful event! It was so much fun to see oodles of happy dogs!
Wow! What a great Bandana Day we're having! Congrats for organizing this wonderful event! It´s so cool meeting old and new friends looking so beautiful in your red bandanas! Thanks!
The pictures are wonderful! We have just posted ours on our blog!!
Purrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla
Thanks to you for letting us be part of this pawesome event!
Kisses and hugs
Wow that is so cool! Thanks so much for doing this! I'm going to see how many of these I can meet!
Great job!
Pawsome, pawsome, pawsome!! Your did us all proud -- thank you for the heroic effort!!!
(We're kind of sad though to see there are so many doggies and catses that we've never met. We'll have to come back and check them out!!)
Wire woofs!!
Jake and Just Harry
What a great post. Thank you so much for including me. I feel so honored.
Sally Ann
WooHoo!! We are really impressed with all the B-UTE-eful poochies with bandanas!! You did a great job of coordinating this Dawg!!
Thanks for all your hard work.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie
ps-we signed on as followers.
OMG that was hilarious!!! I come by way of Carol and Charli and that little girl Charli is a darling blogger pal! You have a fun thing going on here!!!! Anita
Big fun!!!!! I loved all the photos. MJ stood here and looked with me...
wow! we don't know what to day. all of those dogs and kitties wearing their read is fantastic! we even saw one pup who looked just like a goat! that's amazing! we are gonna go make friends with some of them. did you know that we are already friends in dog with Gordy and Georgie (like being friends in person, but of course it's "in dog" for us!). we have played in their yard and sniffed their "stuff". that was a nice photo of them too! that red bandana thing was FUN! do you think we'll do it again next year? we wonder what color we will do next... thanks for organizing that and putting up all of those cool photos!
So many sweet little faces! What a great idea!
OMG - We love this! We'll try to join the fun next week.
The Road Dogs
What a great array of pet photos sporting their bandana's! Not sure if I could get the Princess, Miss Mia to strike a pose with one though. But I might give it a try. Cheers!
Sorry, I missed this ...I have several cute bandanas AND a red bow tie! I especially like Mitzi and of course, Luna!!!
Happy blog hop!
Your pal, Pip
Yay!!! Bandana day rocks!
Thank you so much!!!
thanks for the look through some lovely faces and beautiful furry friends......
What a beautiful bunch of furbabies!!!! Love this, thank you for posting Annie and Kia, they say, "woofwoofarf!!"
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