Now that summer is ending and we have the shorter and cooler days ahead, I've been thinking of hosting a Winter Solstice gift exchange, if there's any interest.
Many of us are crafters, so a handmade gift would be a treat to receive. For those who don't craft or don't have time or the desire to craft, a purchased gift would be equally well received.

We should limit the cost of the gift to under $20.
Those in the Southern Hemisphere are also welcomed to join in, even if you are looking forward to warm summer days while we shiver.
Gifts to a partner in the same country would need to be in the mail by December 10 and those in a different country would need to go out no later than December 1st.
If you are interested in participating, send me an email at . Include your name and mailing address, your favorite color, how many and what type of pets you have and the address of your blog, if you have one. Also let me know if you want to keep it secret or get in touch with your partner.
I'll match you up and try to keep mailing costs down by keeping partners in the same country when possible.
Any interest?
Sounds fun! Mom is going to email you now!
I am interested but to me, $20 is too much money. I would like to see it be $10.
Would you reconsider? Anyone else agree with me?
Jo and Stella
I'll email with the answers, but Sissy and Gretchen are definitely in, since I've obviously lifted my swap mortorium...
I'm interested - I'll e-mail you with the information.
Sounds fun. I'd be interested!
sounds fun. Think some buddy is doing a gift exchange too
Benny & Lily
Yuh, for sure. Momma is not very handy, but we will think of something.
Great idea!
Your pal, Pip
Sounds like fun, I thik we can play - I'll email you. g
Hi Sue,
Sounds like fun- I'll shoot you an email with my info.
Sue, you are a genius! I'll email too.
Hello there!
Are we too late to join in? We'll email you too. Thankies!
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
Yes, the ggrrls and I think we could have some fun with that...
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