Yesterday morning we received the results of the final blood test and they confirmed the diagnosis of cancer. Saturday he had a very difficult day, struggling for breath and not wanting to eat. On Sunday he did a little better. His breathing was a little easier and he ate a bit. He even stole some toilet paper, which gave me some hope. Yesterday he was stretching his neck out to try and get more air into his lungs and then he had a nosebleed. We knew it was time. I wasn't going to let him just continue to decline.
Here is a poem in his memory:
We Have A Secret
By Unknown Author
We have a secret, you and I
that no one else shall know,
for who but I can see you lie
each night in fire glow?
And who but I can reach my hand
before we go to bed
and feel the living warmth of you
and touch your silken head?
And only I walk woodland paths
and see ahead of me,
your small form racing with the wind
so young again and free.
And only I can see you swim
in every brook I pass
and when I call, no one but I
can see the bending grass.
When we came home without Monty, the rest of the pack was unusually quiet. Today the campaign began for his leadership role. Morgan is the next in age, but she's not interested in being leader. Tsar is largest, but also isn't interested.
The spot seems to be between Samba and Fudge. My money's on Samba. Several times today she put him in his place with a lot of snarling and snapping. I think it will be decided in a couple days.
I want to thank Chan and Gaylen who sent such a very thoughtful gift, a little kit to make a plaster cast of Monty's foot. I'm sorry it came a day too late, but we are going to make one of Morgan's little paw soon. I also made the suggestion to our vet today that it would be a nice thing to offer people who lose their pets.
Yesterday we also received our DOT ornament swap package and boy, did we get lucky. Nichole spoiled us and then some.
Inside her adorable card was a magnetic calendar that I can keep here on the filing cabinet next to my desk. I won't have to hunt for it every time I need to check a date.
She sent pictures of her dogs and a special magnet of big Zeus, who reminds me so much of Monty.
There was a luggage tag that says it all and a list pad and a candle all in my favorite colors of pink and purple.
My gang says, "Now on to the good stuff". TREATS !!
Don't you love the green lobster? I love the idea of Water Dogs having nautical toys. When the pups were born I gave them stuffed fish and boats and life rings and all kinds of 'sea stuff'. I think this guy is too cute.
Sky has already put his bid in on the snowman. He has to wait till Christmas, but he eyes it every time he walks by the table.
These are just too much. What beautiful collars and leash. Now all ten of my kids can have new collars for Christmas.
This is going to be my motto for the new year.

This book is full of thoughts and poetry and even has a section on saying good-bye. It was a very timely gift and Rob and I have both been reading through it today.
Finally, this gorgeous ornament which is and will always be Monty's special ornament. It will always have a special spot on our tree and will remind us of him. It seems so fitting that it came into our lives the day he left us.
Thank you Nichole. This was an exceptional gift package, one I will never forget.
Today we went back to see our vet. Samba was exhibiting pain in her foot and Morgan was limping. These two do everything together.
Samba had a split nail and with the distraction of lots of yummy treats, Dr B was able to cut it way back and stop the bleeding without Samba giving a whimper. She is doing fine now.
Morgan has a torn tendon in her right leg, near the ankle, probably from jumping off the bed and landing wrong. She's not allowed to jump off anything or go down stairs. She's also confined to leash walks, no running. She's taking anti-inflammatory meds. This apparently will be a lengthy recovery, possibly six weeks. What fun!!
What a great package! Nic has my girls HOOKED on Canine Crunch. We call it "crack" in our house, and it is a miracle drug. Just the hint that it is the treat of the moment will bring a reluctant pooch inside in a flash. (They have more in beef and chicken varieties for Christmas!)
Don't fight the tears. The still flow for my boys, althought not as hard or often now.
Sissy also just popped in and reminded me to wish Samba and Morgan well. She wiped what we basset folks call "healing drool" up my robe, so consider it passed along.
I do hope there are some merry moments in your Christmas celebrations.
I know you will be so sad but I have to tell you about my dog, Meg. She is a 10 month old Staffie and we have had her 2 months.
My daughter (she is 21) has several christmas soft toys that are kept in the Xmas decs box. This year when we opened the boxes Meg made a bee line for one particular toy. Several times over the last couple of weeks she has tried to run off with this toy. She got it this morning, I took it off her. She disappeared off upstairs and all was quiet for a few minutes and then she came downstairs with a different Xmas toy belonging to my daughter. I had to laugh at her - her face said 'ha ha I got you' I've had to put these toys on a high shelf where she can't reach them! LOL
It is hard loosing a human or a pet at any time of year but at Christmas it is worse. About 10 years ago we had to have our 15 year old lab/lurcher cross put to sleep on Xmas Day. My husband took it very hard and has been very reluctant to have a dog since. Meg came into our lives by accident and it must have meant to be as he loves her as much as I do.
May you both feel peace this Christmas dispite your sorrow!
So glad you & the gang love everything -- enjoy! It was a pleasure to get to spoil your household!
Love that last pic and hope those 2 recover quickly from their injuries...
Merry Christmas!
grieving takes time, so give yourself this time, no matter how long......
the others need their mama, and will love you extra for monty.i was so thrilled to see your family on dot last week. and aren't these pressies so special! happy and meery xmas to you all. hugs.
We used to send clay paw impressions to everyone who lost a pet when I was in school. I also wish we could do it here but I don't get to make any decisions that cost money :(
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