She has a little trouble eating, the food falls out the side of her mouth. This doesn't seem to be a big problem except when she's taking her medicine. I found that putting her pills in yogurt helps them slide down and we don't have to worry about them popping out of her mouth.
She's not thrilled about me putting ointment in her eye twice a day, but she tolerates it, especially if there's a treat involved.
On Sunday, Splash, Gracie and J came to visit and brought a big plate of liver brownies. My dogs think those are the best treats they've ever heard of. Tsar had two and came back hoping for a third. Instead they're getting them with their dinner this week. Everyone has cleaned their bowl in anticipation.
I lost quite a lot of sleep last week worrying about my girl, so we've been trying to catch up.
Morgan is a very good napper. She's always happy to head off to the bedroom for a nap, or even a cat-nap on the couch.

When Sky first moved into the bedroom to sleep, he squeezed himself into Lucy's little bed. We bought him a larger bed, but he continued to grow and now his seventy pound body doesn't fit in his bed anymore. It looks like we'll be heading out this weekend to buy an even bigger bed for him.
You all know that I buy stuffed toys at thrift shops for my dogs to play with. I'm sure you've all seen the alert that's going around the lists and blogs. To read my feelings about it, check out Dogs-N-More, where I've given my opinion. Let me know how you feel about it.