Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Letter To Samba

My Dearest Samba,

Oh how we miss you. Today would have been your eleventh birthday and you've been on my mind all morning. We would have had a special breakfast together and cuddled on the couch while I drank my coffee. We would have played frisbee and gotten the whole pack together for a party with cupcakes.
But this year you're not here and we have to go on without you. Your pack misses you. They've stopped looking for you but they know there's an empty place where you should be. Fudge is getting past his grieving and depression, but he's  a different dog without you in his life.
Most of all Morgan misses her best friend. She misses the gossip sessions in the evenings when you two would lie close together and groom each other or share a toy. Morgan is getting frail and now Noah and Fudge look out for her as you used to do. They escort her up and down the hill and make sure she comes in the house with the others.
We have two new puppies who are little terrors, just like your puppies were. I could use your experience with them and you could translate my wishes to them.
Most of all I miss our special times together, even our star gazing in the middle of the night. I still wake up, but now I just lie there and think about you. We'll celebrate your special day today without you. We'll all have cupcakes and even get out the frisbee for those who want to play, but there will be two very empty places in our day.



rottrover said...

Happy Birthday, beautiful Samba. We know you are still watching over your pack from the Bridge and helping your mom with the puppies. We will think of you today, too.

-Bart, Ruby, Otto and their mom

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Samba. Mom, Samba is forever with you - forever in your heart.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Dandy Duke said...

A tear is sliding down mom's cheek. Happy Birthday sweet Samba. We hope you share cake and ice cream with angel Maggie and so many others at Rainbow Bridge.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

gMarie said...

What a beautiful letter to a sweet, sweet girl. I so wish I had got a chance to meet her.

::cry:: g

Ruby said...

Oh, now you gots Ma cryin'....
Okays, I will take overs...
Samba was such a cool chick. I only knew her a short times, butts I really liked her LOTS!
Happy Happy Burthday sweet Samba.
I will be thinkin' of you today.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Happy Birthday, Samba. We miss you. I know there'll be a big pawty going on tonight at the Bridge. Please drop me down a piece of cake.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Happy birthday, Samba. We all miss you!

Kerry said...

Sweet memories, but so sad. May you take joy in remembering this good dog, and hug the pack left behind.

Life with Wrigs said...

I know how hard these special days can be. Thinking of you and sending hugs.

Susan and Wrigs

SissySees said...

Gretchen is licking my tears. Both girls are pressed up against me, napping... or at least Gg was until she sensed my upset.

Happy birthday, Samba. You are missed, even by those who never met you.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Happy Birthday, Samba. You are missed all over the world.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful letter to Samba. How dear she was to you both and the pack. Happy Birthday to her magnificent spirit playing in the Cloud Lands beyond the Rainbow Bridge.

Marjie said...

Love to all of you on this special, and difficult, day.

Jo's World said...

Samba was the leader of your pack and a heart dog. You never forget dogs like her and will remember her forever. I wonder what memories the pack dogs have? My dogs have shown me they have memories, so yours will remember Samba with love. As we all will.

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What a beautiful letter. I have a feeling that Samba is thinking of you and missing you too. Always....

Piappies World said...

Happy Happy Barkday dearest Samba. It really is hard whenever we are reminded of the special moments we have with our furries who have crossed the rainbow bridge.

Samba will always remain special and we will be here to remember her with you. Sending lots of hugs from the Piappies!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Lapdog Creations said...

May Samba be playing frisbee and munching cupcakes over the Bridge....

What a beautiful letter to your baby. Hugs!

bichonpawz said...

This is just a beautiful tribute.

Happy Birthday Samba. Samba will always have a special place in your heart.

Soggibottom said...


Tammy said...

Hi Sue,
I tried to comment on here the other day and it just disappeared. I know it was so hard to lose your little shadow. She sounds like she was firmly planted in your heart, I know you will always have the memories, but it's still hard to say goodbye.

Last night I dreamed I was out walking my collies in the big field behind me, and I happened to look way across the field by the pond, and what did I see, but a bunch of Porties! In the dream I thought, 'oh, Sue is out walking her dogs, I better wait up here so I don't cause problems with my dogs!'...;-)

Take care,
p.s. sounds like you have another chance at big snow!

Nicki said...

The first birthday is so hard.