Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Little Things

Morgan is better!

Her temperature has stayed down and was 100.6 yesterday afternoon. She'll finish her antibiotics tomorrow and Dr B wants me to continue checking her temp daily for five days to be sure it doesn't creep back up. He feels she picked up a respiratory infection and because of her age and various health issues, it hit her extra hard, but thinks she'll be OK.
She's eating well, even better than well. She's being quite demanding about wanting to eat and what she wants to eat and we're letting her have her way, for now. She's going outside and wandering around the yard and leaving good deposits behind. She's sleeping well with no more nitemares.

There are somethings that only a Mom notices, though. They're small signs that things are returning to normal. Every morning after breakfast, Morgan heads for the living room where she finds a blanket and rolls on her back, kicking her legs in the air. She does this for quite a while each day. Last week she started her aerobics again. That's a good sign.

Most of the time when we take Morgan outside, she walks to the corner of the deck to look around before she goes down the steps. Last week she went directly down the steps or sometimes needed help with the steps. Yesterday, she went to the corner to scope out the yard. That's a good sign.

Morgan is very vocal. She has a deep annoying bark, but she also likes to talk to me. She'll stand in front of me and make all sorts of little noises, especially if she wants a treat or to take a walk. If I don't respond quickly enough, she gets a louder and more demanding tone to her voice. Last week Morgan was silent, but yesterday we had quite a lengthy conversation about her dinner. That's a good sign.

Usually when I go upstairs to the library or to the office in the basement, all the dogs follow and find spots to snooze till I'm ready to leave the room. Since she got sick Morgan has stayed on one floor except for bedtime.  I'm currently at the computer in the basement office and Morgan followed me and is sleeping under the desk. That's a good sign.

Every night at bedtime Morgan takes about 15 to 20 minutes to rearrange her blanket, pillow and toys. Rob and I try not to disturb these items during the day, but they're never in the right place at bedtime. It's quite a production that she goes thru, pulling and pushing and moving things around. Sometimes she gets them just right, flops down on them, then has to go thru the whole process again because they aren't perfect. Since she got sick last week, Morgan has been walking into her sleep area and just lying down and sleeping. I'll know she's really better when she starts rearranging the furniture again.

Moms notice these things.


Marjie said...

Hooray for Morgan!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Sounds good Morgan. Slowly but surely.
Lily & Edward

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Pawesome news!!! Mom says she knows just what you mean. Hope all that rearranging work happens soon.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Dandy Duke said...

We are so happy to hear all of these positives, Morgan ☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Ruby said...

OMD, I swear Morgan and I are TWINSIES!!! Okays, so we look nothin' alike, and I am a little younger than her, butts we ACT so much alike!! I 'talk' to Ma LOTS. I like to voice my opinion on everythings! When I was a pup, Ma thought that this was just an attention getting behavior..nope. I just like to chat. Okay, I'm bossy, butts that's a debate for another time....☺
I am sooooooo happy you are feelin' betters Morgan! I am thinkin' of you lots and sendin' you POTP everyday!
Good things Moms notice the little things, huh?
Ruby ♥

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That's great news. Keep it up Morgan.

Jo's World said...

Hi Morgan and Mom:

Its great to read that Ms.Morgan is on the way to recovery. I have been thinking about her and wishing for tthis good news.

We have had a cool, 60s weeek and its been great except I have a cold and bronchitis. Geting better though, just like Morgan! Jo

Matilda the Boxer said...

Good news! We'll keep our paws crossed for Morgan for a little longer anyway.

Lapdog Creations said...

Wonderful news... we esp love the aerobics are back!
Sounds like Morgan and Sophie might be sisters with the annoying (and getting louder) vocal effects when they want something....

SissySees said...

Wonderful news! We're hoping that by now, she IS rearranging at bedtime. Dadaw heard somewhere it's a nod to the ancient times when dogs had to run critters (snakes?!) out of the spot before they bedded down, and that's why they're so determined to get a sleeping spot just right.

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We're so happy to read the good news about Morgan! Abby shares the need to rearrange the bedding every night for 10 or 15 minutes. Jed pretty much plops where he wants to be and dozes off.