Thursday, November 6, 2014

Destination Portie Place

Where are the Terrier Taxi and the surfer Portie heading?
They're going the same place that the pickup pups are going.
To Portie Place.
These are two pieces done by my friend Michelle Toland. They were both done a few years ago and sold to someone else. That collector is now letting her collection go and Michelle notified me that they were available. I was lucky enough to get both of them plus the little pickup truck.
These are good sized pieces and will probably live in the library where they'll be safe from snooping live Porties.


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Very nice Sue. Hope that your hand is better.

Marjie said...

Those are cute! I love having things like that on my bookshelves, either beside or in front of my books!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

They are so cute! You're lucky you got them.

Matilda the Boxer said...

How cute!

Dandy Duke said...

Lucky you, Miss Sue! They're absolutely adorable ☺

Ruby said...

OMD, Ma is SOOOOO jealous she really thinks that Terrier Car is precious!
Now, WHY in the world would you thinks they wouldn't be safe around the pups??! ☺
Now, have a nice cuppa and gaze at your prize!
Ruby ♥

SissySees said...

Stunning!! I'm so glad they were able to come live with you.