Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Goodbye To A Friend

We received very bad news yesterday.

Our friend Trixie died suddenly of acute pancreatitis. It was very unexpected and we at Legacy are very sad for our friends at Dog Woods.

Tsar wanted to express our feelings to our friends Tuffy, Snoopy, Joe, Anna and the pups.

We know what it's like to lose one of our pack suddenly and much too soon.

Goodbye Trixie. We will miss you.


Martha said...

We would be happy to join in you in a howl for Trixie.
Tsar summed up our feelings too.
It was just so very sad to learn about Trixie and she was so young.
Martha & Bailey xxx

soulbrush said...

poor litte doggie so very sorry.

Stella said...

Wooooooooo! I didn't know Trixie too well, but Tsar gave a lovely tribute howl to her. Thanks, Tsar!


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

So sudden and so sad.

An ARRROOO from Rocky Creek Farm is going up in tribute too.

The Rocky Creek Gang

Persephone and Buster said...

Betcha Trixie was looking down, giving that howl a perfect "ten."

Sorry she's left the pack...

Buster, Sephie & Bailey

Thor and Jack said...

So sad about Trixie.


Sam said...

Yes, this was very sad and very sudden. I felt so bad to open their blog to find that horrible news.

LizzieJane said...

So sad and so very hard to lose a little one.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So sudden and so sad. The OP Pack joins Tsar in wooing our good thoughts to Tuffy and the rest of the pack. We know how hard it is to lose a pet well-loved.

Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Lapdog Creations said...

So very sorry to hear :(

Marjie said...

Thor says the same style words. Those are some great pictures of Tsar, mourning a friend.

SissySees said...

What beautiful photos! I keep waiting for Sissy to develop a soulful howl, but not yet...

Such sad times for the Dog Woods pack.

Dandy Duke said...

We didn't know Trixie but it's always sad to lose a young doggie.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Tee said...

Dear Sue, Tsar and the PWD pack,

Thank you so much for your howls. We are saddened yet comforted by your kind words and supportive gestures. We truly appreciate what you've done.

Tee and the Dog Woods Pack

gMarie said...

Well Tsar you certainly know how to give a proper send off. It's always too early. I'm sorry that Trixie has passed over the bridge - I know she will be missed. g

ps - when I told my pack - they all screamed at the sky!