Saturday, December 6, 2014


This is it!!  I could be famous!! Today I, Fudge, entered the contest for Subaru  Celebrity Spokesdog for 2015.
Mom and Dad took me and Sebastian to the Subaru place. There were lots of cars there, but Mom wouldn't let us mark any of the tires.
Then a really nice professional photographer lady took my picture. They only allowed one dog per household so Sebastian was our meet and greet dog. He made friends with everybody while I was busy getting my photos done.
Next step is the election. Voting begins on December 17 and ends on January 4. You can vote once a day every day and I'm hoping that all you friends in Blogville will vote for me.
I'll remind you when the time comes to start voting. With your help I can be famous.
Your almost famous friend, Fudge


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You're already famous to us, but you can count on us. Just remind us, please. Good Luck!

SissySees said...

But you're already famous, Fudge! Of course, we'll vote and ask everyone we know to vote too...

Ruby said...

WoooooHooooo!!!! OMD, this so SO exciting indeed!!!!! Nows, I agree, you are ALREADY famous with US in Blogville, butts you could be just as famous to the rest of the world!!!
I can't wait!!!
Ruby ♥

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

You'll have our vote, no question and then you'll be more famous, and we can say we knew you when! :-)!!

bichonpawz said...

This is SO exciting!!! Of course you can count on us...but a reminder is always good!! You are famous to us already but it really WOULD be cool to be a Subaru Dog!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

Tootsie said...

Good luck!

Dandy Duke said...

Absolutely we'll vote for you! How cool is this!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Wishin you tons of luck! We'll definitely vote for you every day when the time comes!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Please remind us. Can't wait to vote for you

Lapdog Creations said...


Matilda the Boxer said...

WOW! Someday we'll be saying we knew you when!

Marjie said...

Fudge, you were very smart to bring your own publicist! Good luck in your pursuit of celebrity!