Thursday, December 18, 2014

Will It Work?

Today I finally got to see a doctor about my left hand. They did x-rays that showed nothing unusual and upon examination we learned exactly what we already knew. I have stenosing tenosynovitis or trigger finger. In this case it happens to be trigger thumb. The reason I already knew this is because I had surgery for the same condition on my right hand about ten years ago.
The doctor was very nice and actually listened to my concerns. Then we discussed the options , either a steroid injection or surgery. We decided to try the injection first. If it works I could get relief for an unknown period of time. If it doesn't work, we'll operate.

The injection is pretty uncomfortable as they inject directly into the inflamed tendon. Ouch!! Then the thumb fought back, it got hot and swollen. But now two hours later the heat is gone and some of the swelling is down. It's still a little numb but that's good. This photo is from Google.
I need to pamper it for five more days, wearing my brace to keep it from bending, then he said to go for it and test it out. He says after those 5 days I can knit and cross stitch and whatever else I want to do. If after two weeks I'm still having pain, we'll schedule surgery.
 Sounds like a plan to me.


Dandy Duke said...

We so hope that it works for you, Miss Sue!
We voted for Fudge again today ☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

rottrover said...

zGetting older is not for the faint of heart! Sending POTP to your thumb!!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

And here we thought you were so talented taking the photo with your left hand...BOL!

Hope it works and you don't need surgery!

Anonymous said...

Oh yuk....needles...hope it works!

The Mad Scots

Barbara said...

Had it in both thumbs. Injection didn't work in either. Surgery is very simple, works great. Hope the injection works for you!

bichonpawz said...

I have similar problems with my feet and the injections only worked for a short time. But, BOY, did they ever hurt!! I sure hope that these injections work for you Sue! Sending POTP that you will be feeling much better soon! xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

Matilda the Boxer said...

I hope the injection worked! We'll cross our paws for you.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

It looks painful. The needle shot didn't help. We hope that the shot works because surgery isn't fun either.

SissySees said...

Crossed paws and Christmas wishes that you'll pass the test and avoid surgery!

Lapdog Creations said...

I have a friend who had this surgery a couple of months ago... If it's helpful at all to you, I can put you both in touch!