Rob and I enjoy watching CSI. We find it amusing the lengths they go to to find a single hair or a faint smear of blood. We can't imagine actual detectives going to those extremes.
When I think about my house, I really get a good laugh. There are so many hairs in this place it would take the entire team the rest of their natural lives to figure it out.

I also think about the evening that Fudge went into one of his super spins in excitement over going outside and we didn't realize he was spinning on a carpet tack. He tore a nice little round hole in his pad and we only realized it when our tan carpet in the den started looking like a crime scene. There was blood everywhere as he continued to spin and run in circles.
I finally was able to grab him and stick him in the bathtub to examine his foot and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Rob got out the carpet cleaning machine and started shampooing the carpet before the blood set. I don't think there was an inch he hadn't sprayed. What would the CIS team think of that scene?
Speaking of Fudge, he has a fan club and every fan club needs a President.
Gaylen has offered to be President and Fudge is thrilled. The problem is it's a paid position and Fudge has no money.

As you can see he was worried about this situation. He thought about his possessions and what he could afford to part with. He has his collar, but he needs it for when he goes for walks. He has his little house, but he sleeps in that at night. He has his dinner bowl, but how could he eat without it? Then it came to him. He has something else that he can pay Gaylen with.

He has all these perfectly good squeakers that he and his family members have removed from their toys. I won't let them chew the squeaker so they're just there on the counter not doing anything. He can send them to President Gaylen as payment and there are a lot more where they came from. He and the others can go to work keeping her in a constant supply of squeakers. Problem solved.
Back to fibers, but of a different variety. I've been trying to decide on a knitting project. I have a few little ones in mind, but I need a big complicated one to work on. I saw this sweater coat and fell madly in love with it.

Isn't it pretty? Unfortunately, I've been on
Ravelry reading comments about it and there seems to be a serious problem in the guage and sizing. I don't know if I want to get into something that I know has some built in problems. I don't want that complicated a pattern.

At the fabric store this week I saw this magazine and was immediately struck by this piece on the cover.

It's circular with armholes and I think it's really intriguing. I think I'd like to make it, but I don't really know if it's something I would wear. Maybe back twenty years ago when I was into clothes more than I am now, I would have worn it. Now I dress in things that can hold up to muddy feet jumping on them. Anyway, I might try it and give it away as a gift .

So you see CSI would just love this place. We have hair, fibers of many varieties, foot prints, sometimes bloody footprints, torn blankets and bits of cotton stuffing under chairs. We could keep the show on the air forever.