A strange thing happened today. It stopped raining and the sun put in an appearance. It was the perfect day to bob for apples.

Rob cut the apples in quarters.

Noah was the first to try.

He got one right away.

It tasted delicious.

Norma Jean stuck her face in the water and caught an apple.

Tess wanted an apple and gave it a try, but she had trouble catching one.

Bailey came over for a try.

Bailey snagged an apple immediately and took it off to enjoy it.

Tess was still trying.

Morgan grabbed an apple on the first try.

Tess was having a really hard time. Everyone else was grabbing apples, chomping them up and coming back for more, but she was still trying to catch one. My instinct was to help her, but Tess lacks confidence and I know that helping her isn't what's best for her.

Noah was back for the third time.

Morgan was on her fourth apple.

Fudge was looking over the apples to select the right one.

No cheating, Fudge.

He made a grab and snagged an apple.

Noah was back yet again.

Samba made it look easy. She just stuck her head in the water and got one.

She laid down to savor hers.

Fudge is back for another try.

Tsar doesn't like the water and told us that he wanted an apple but had no intention of geting wet.

Rob handed him his apple.

Sky also doesn't like to get his head wet, so he sat up nicely and was handed one.

He enjoyed it without getting wet.

Finally, Tess grabbed an apple. She didn't give up even though she had a much harder time than the others.

That was the best tasting apple!! She went back and tried again and by the end of the game she had eaten three apples. Great job, Tessie.