I think March came in like a lion, so it's supposed to go out like a lamb. It seems to have a different idea. There are winter storms all over the country, snow, ice and flooding.The weatherman is still talking about substantial amounts of snow for us, but so far it's been rain. It rained hard all night and this morning around 6:30 we had thunder and lightening. For some reason I woke up early and fed the dogs and got them outside. It was raining, but not too hard. I had just crawled back into bed when it started pouring with flashes of light. Morgan is afraid of thunder so she got up beside Rob and Samba was next to me. It was cozy and fragrant with wet dog smell.
The next time I got up I was opening the blinds in the kitchen before making coffee. There were two bluebirds all puffed up sitting on the deck rail. By the time I grabbed my camera and got the lens cap off, one had flown away, but the other waited for me. You can see how gray and hazy it was, and still raining.
My Christmas Cactus in the kitchen is still flowering. It started in October and is still at it.
When I fed the dogs this afternoon, the temperature outside was falling. If it goes too low, we're going to have an ice problem. I did the grocery shopping yesterday, so we really don't have to leave the house. We're all snug here at home. Rob and I are going to play Scrabble tonight. I usually beat him.
Just to remind myself that it really is Spring, I pulled out some Spring themed cross stitch pieces that I've done over the years. I used to cross stitch all the time. There was always one in progress. Then, when Fudge joined the family I stopped. He was always stealing my floss and getting his dirty feet on the fabric. I was afraid he'd steal a needle, so I gave it up. I expected to start again when he was a little more mature. As you all know, Fudge never did mature. I just started again last year and I've really missed it.

Sometimes I design my own pieces. Usually I use a chart designed by someone else. Why reinvent the wheel. I often make changes to an existing pattern. For this piece I used a border from a magazine and added a poem from a box I was given many years ago.

We have a cabinet very similar to this one with lots of little drawers. It's called a seed keep and the farmers used to actually keep seeds in the drawers. We keep junk in ours, but I liked this picture and maybe someday I'll clean ours out and make it look like this one.
Who wouldn't love to stroll down a boulevard in Paris in the springtime? Well, actually there are a lot of other places I'd like to see first, but if someone offered to fly me to Paris for a stroll, I wouldn't refuse.
Closer to home, I have a basket very much like this one that I shove all my gardening tools into and carry around the yard. I used to do this before I had all these helpful puppies. Now they try to steal the basket when my back is turned.
When we were first married we used to go to the park in Spring and fly kites. My dog Libby thought they were huge birds that were trying to attack us and she tore up our kites.
This is what my house in the country would look like in Spring, if I had a house in the country.
I'm about to start a new cross stitch piece, so I'll go make a cup of tea and get started.