Friday, December 7, 2012

Take Me To Your Leader

We've been in the midst of a rough campaign for pack leader for several weeks now. At times there was even blood shed. Fudge was told in no uncertain terms that he was not going to lead this pack. He had a big swollen black eye to prove it.
I predicted that Bailey would move into the top spot, possibly because she reminds me so much of Samba. Then last week there was a knock down brawl that removed Bailey from the list of candidates.
Sebastian might have dreams of moving up, but he hasn't been here long and needs to establish himself more with his pack mates.

So who wound up on the top of the heap?

Meet our new Alpha, Miss Norma Jean.
This girl is the perfect Portuguese Water Dog. She can't resist water in any form and prefers to be wet at all times. She retrieves both on land and water.
She likes to brawl. She never starts a brawl, but if someone else starts one, she'll join right in. She eats anything. And she's perfectly happy as long as she's doing something with her person. In this case I happen to be her person. She stays close by me and it doesn't matter if we're just sitting around watching TV or if we're doing obedience work. It's all OK with Norma Jean as long as we're doing it together.
So this is the face of our new pack leader. I think her mama would be very proud of her.


rottrover said...

All hail the new Pack Leader!!

Bart and Ruby

Anonymous said...

Well, Many congrats to Norma Jean, may she rule with a firm but just paw. She has that look of a leader.

Your Pals
Susie & Bites

Pees; Long live the Queen

Ruby said...

Congrats Norma Jean!! You will make a pawsome pack leader!
I don't know why, butts Norma Jean REALLY looks like Ma's doggie she had in college. She was an Old English Sheepdog named Panda. And she had almost the same colorings as Norma Jean. Kinda the same face, too! Seeing Norma Jean made Ma all sentimental for Panda....
Anyhu, Glads to hear that the pack leader rukas has been solved, and Norma Jean is Queen!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Congratulations Norma Jean!!! What a tussle to get the top job. We know you'll fill Samba's shoes...paws..admirably!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

We hope Fudge's eye has healed.

SissySees said...

Sissy and Gretchen are cheering and for reasons I can't explain, I'm misty. I hate pack order squabbles and am grateful for the love-fest we have here, now. Long live the alpha girl!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

If Mom has declared that Norma Jean is the pack leader, then it must be so. Congrats - the new Queen:) We hope life in your kingdom is very peaceful.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Jo's World said...

Congrats to the Beautiful Queen, Ms Norma Jean!

I'm glad thats over and I am mostly glad they turned down Fudge for the job. I bet Norma Jean will be a whizbang of a leader!

How is Mr. Sebastian? Healing up nicely? I do hope so.

Cheers and hugs all around,
Jo, Stella and Zkhat

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hail to the new Queen! :)

At our house we don't have a leader for our 10-pack. Mom and Dad said THEY are the leaders and intend to stay at the top! Bummer!

gMarie said...

Congratulations Ms. Norma Jean, remember this is a position of authority and respect. Please don't take after your daddy (who I adore) and be a bully. (Although, I'm pretty sure you won't.)

I'm glad the pack is finding itself again. Your house must seem so quiet these days. g

Dexter said...

I'm glad that's settled. Now things can get back to normal. No more drama, OK?


Life with Wrigs said...

Congratulations, Norma Jean! Hope you rule with a firm, but gentle paw!

Susan and Wrigs

Tammy said...

Wow...I'm so glad for all your sakes that the pack order has been settled and a new leader has taken the helm. How hard that must be to let it happen, but in the end they will all be more content with their natural roles ('cept maybe Fudge! ha) I really hope things settle down for you all, after a year of heartbreak.

So far my little pack has things worked out, but it could change --Minty has been bossy since the day she was born and Carly is pretty easy going. Ash (their mother) is still top dog, but Minty may eventually step into that role. (I had Minty in Springfield Tuesday on an 'only dog' outing! She did great and we went to All Pets and Equine Supply on Kearney where they treated her like royalty (lots of free treats. ha) Petsmart was rather blah after that. But it was good all around for her and me to have some one on one time.


Kerry said...

Whew, glad that was settled once and for all. Norma Jean is a beaut.

Marjie said...

All hail the new Fearless Leader!

Dandy Duke said...

Congratulations, Norma Jean! Girls rule!

Love ya lots,

Matilda the Boxer said...

Congrrats on your big victory, Norma Jean!

soulbrush said...

Oh my word, I didn't realise this would or could happen. What suspense, hail Norma Jean.