Six AM
Let the girls outside to pee. Give them a snack and put them in their pen to go back to sleep. Take Morgan out front to pee. Then back to bed.
Everybody up and out. Prepare doggy breakfast and feed them a few at a time. Then back outside.
Nine AM
Give everyone their meds. Human breakfast.
Ten AM
Brush teeth in the following order: Fudge, Noah, Sky, Tess, Lola, Norma Jean and Bailey. Then everyone goes out to run and play while Rob and I check the yard for any necessary pickups.
Eleven AM
Shampoo Samba's infected foot. The infection is gone, but the foot itches and we don't want her to start chewing it again. I wash the foot with a medicated shampoo, let it stay on the foot for ten minutes, then rinse it off.
Outside for a snack of apple or carrot. We play ball or some other activity. If there's a party, this would be the time for that.
Another outing and more play.
Four PM
Seven PM
The final daylight outing.
Eight PM
Evening meds.
Ten PM
Yogurt time and our last outing. The girls go into their crates for the night and everyone gets a cookie.
Eleven PM
Morgan and Samba go out front for a final pee opportunity.
This schedule doesn't take into consideration baths and haircuts or vet appointments or training or walks. Those all get fit in wherever.
I wonder where my days go? It seems I never get anything done.