Friday, June 12, 2015


Hi Everybody,
We're having a picnic this weekend. Mom said that we won't wait for July 4th because it has boomers that scare us, so instead we're having our big picnic this weekend. We're so excited!

The other day Dad came home with one of these. 
 He cut it up into bite size pieces and put them in a box in the fridge.
Mom showed us this bag of brauts. Yum!! She wouldn't open it to give us a taste. She says we have to wait for the picnic.
Then yesterday Dad went to the store and look what he brought home. FROSTY PAWS!!!! Three boxes of them! They're in the freezer getting nice and cold for the big day.
 Mom said there'll be lots of things to do. There will be water to splash in.
We can play frisbee.
Or we can just catch some rays.
And of course we can roll in the grass or weeds or dirt, whichever we prefer.
Oh boy, it's hard to wait. Everything looks so good.
 We wish you could all come picnic with us.
Your pal, Fudge
Mom says: We'll spread the picnic over several days so there are no tummy aches from too much of a good thing.


Lapdog Creations said...

Oh Fudge, we wish we lived closer... we'd crash your picnic! Sure sounds like a GREAT time!

Matilda the Boxer said...

What a grreat idea! I'm going to try to talk Momma into letting me come for the picnic!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are in our way over
Lily & Edward

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is going to be one fantastic week of picnicking!!! Mom is headed to Branson next week, maybe we can get her to drop us off on her way:)

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

rottrover said...

What a wonderful time you all will have!! We love ALL of those things - butt the best is just to get to hang out with your favorite pack!!

-Ruby and Otto

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We wish we could come, too. Looks like you're going to have a fantastic picnic!

Marjie said...

It's going to be a great weekend for a picnic! Have so much fun that you'll be happy for weeks to come. Best to hold your holidays whenever you need them.

Julie said...

YAY fur picnics, I luffs them!!!!
HAve a pawsome time!
Laves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

How smart that you guys are having your picnic ahead of the nasty fireworks! And what a picnic you have planned! yummmmm

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and and Molly

Ruby said...

OMD!!! WALLYMELON!!!! FROSTY PAWS!!!! I'll be right overs!!!!
Hey, are there gonna be any of those pawsome pupcakes??? Oh, I loves those!!
Ruby ♥