Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Day Treat

Happy Leap Day Everyone!

We Water Dogs leap every day so this is nothing special to us, but today Mom said we needed to do a review for Chewy. We're a little late this month because our review items got lost and never got to our house. Mom told Miss Sydney and she sent us out another one so that we wouldn't feel left out. Wasn't that nice of her? This is what she sent.

We love Zukes in this house but this is the first time we've tried the dental chews. We got apple flavored ones because we all love apples. They also contain alfalfa, parsley, rosemary and fennel to freshen our breath. That's especially good for Sebastian because Mom calls him 'fish breath'. He's a good guy but his breath can knock you over.
 So since today is our alternating summer day, today is 70 which means that tomorrow should be around 20, we decided to go outside and try these out.
  We all gathered around Dad and he handed them to each of us. 
 Mom said to be sure Tess and Noah got theirs because they have the worst teeth. Tess needs to go see Dr B for a cleaning this summer.

 Everybody enjoyed them and they took a few seconds longer to chew than a regular treat except for the little girls.
Sydney took hers off and chewed for quite a while.

 Mackey really worked on hers. She has a little mouth and it took her a long time to finish.
 Dr B told Mom that no treats will take the place of brushing, but these seemed to make us stop and chew a little longer and they sure do help the breath.
 Mom says they might help Syd and Mac, but the rest of us eat them too fast too be of much help. Still, she might try them again for the little girls and for Sebastian's stinky  breath.

 As for the rest of us, we think they taste great even if they don't clean our teeth. See, they're gone!
Now Mom has a couple things to say.

I need to confess that I chose the smaller size on these treats for two reasons. First there were more in the bag so that everyone could have two to try and second, because the smaller size was easier for the little girls to chew. I knew my big dogs would just eat them up but I wanted Syd and Mac to have a good chew and they did.

Chewy sent these dental chews at no cost to us in exchange for our honest review.



Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Yeah, we may look like little dogs, but we have BIG mouths, so we tend to eat EVERYTHING quickly. Beef bones tend to be the only thing we really gnaw on. Good that they replaced the lost treats for you.

Marjie said...

Aw, Fudge, is it right to call your pack-mate out on his breath? Sebastian is a nice guy. These look like great treats for the little girls to enjoy for a long time; Mom will have to find something else for you bigger guys. Enjoy your warm day.

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are kind of liking that Leap Day treat idea
Lily & Edward

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

An extra day for treats. What a good day!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Lady Shasta here - our mom gotz theze fer us tue. We also did our review tue-day. They iz shure yummy.

The Daily Pip said...

Those treats sound yummy and how great that they are good for teeth as well. Love Zuke's! Happy Leap Day!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Excellent review. Our breath is fresher just from reading it

Dandy Duke said...

Those treats look so yummy. Great review, guys!

Lapdog Creations said...

Too funny - we posted our review of these yesterday too! Apple too! Great minds think alike! :)

Unknown said...

Well, they look good but we wouldn't nose cos no one sent us any... hum, might have to ask if Chewy do carrier pigeon post here.... Enjoy guys.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X
and Ark X