Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Holiday Prep

Pre flu I was trying to get ready for the holidays. I did some holiday stitching earlier in the year.
This was the first one finished.
This may become a stocking one of these days.
I've wanted to do this piece for a long time and finally found the pattern.
 This was my masterpiece this year. It took much longer than usual and is sizable. It measures almost 16" by 20".
 To give you an idea of the size, you can see that Santa's hands are almost as big as mine. I just love this piece because I'm sure Santa loves puppies and would spend his spare time playing with them.
Tomorrow, a couple of special gifts.


Dandy Duke said...

You do beautiful work, Miss Sue! Love the Airedale☺

Ruby said...

Okays, Ma TOTALLY looooooves that third one!!!! Airedales AND OES??!!! She is lovin' it!! They are all pawsome though! Ma hopes you are feelin' betters cause she would really loves to stop coughing too! BOL! (it is really annoying...can't gets any snoozin' done around here..too noisy!)
Ruby ♥

Matilda the Boxer said...

Those are gawjuss! Momma does cross-stitch, but she's not as fast as you are!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Beautiful! We think Santa loves puppies, too.