Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Royal Name

This week we've all been watching the TV waiting for the royal baby to arrive and then to meet the world.

We think he's probably a cute little guy though all we could see was the top of his head.
Today we've been waiting to hear what his name would be. Names are important as we all know. Our Mom took some time and found the perfect name for each of us. After all, a name is something that you live with for your whole life and it's how people come to think of you.

When they announced the royal baby's name today we were disappointed. George Alexander Louis. Yawn! He'll be another King George with a number on the end. How boring!
This is a modern baby for a modern age. We think he should be named Fudge Noah Sebastian. He would be King Fudge the First. Now doesn't that have a better ring to it?

Your pal,Fudge


Duke said...

Why the heck didn't they contact you for ideas, Fudge! Your name choice is just perfect!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Love your suggestion...but what can you do. Recently (last 3 years) there seem to be a glut of Georges around here. Suppose there'll be more now.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

However, SHE was impressed that either Kate or more probably George held off until HER birthday. BOL!

Pippen said...

No offence, Fudge but we think Samwise Peregrine would have been way more awesome!

Sam and Pippen

Unknown said...

Monkey is just glad they haven't waited any longer to name the new prince as all the comments: 'He will be called Prince Whatever of Cambridge', were beginning to tire us out.

Jo's World said...

King Fudge Noah Sebastian sounds good but I was rooting for Alexander as first name, with George second and Louis is OK for 3rd. Can't you just see a cute little blonde scallywag called Alex?

Stella (next, if they have a girl, I hope they call her STELLA!)

Matilda the Boxer said...

We were a little bored with George too. Momma wanted James, but I was rooting for Casey! After all, that's my name and I'm a prince -- I have a sissy named Cinderella!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We thought for sure it would be Benny
Benny & Lily

Marjie said...

I was impressed that a skinny Duchess like her could have an over 8 pound baby. My newspaper did say that they were likely to choose traditional names, and not something modern like John Paul George Ringo. And at least they didn't string together like 8 names!

Ruby said...

Oh YES!!!
I likes it!!
Maybe you should email them....I'm sure they'll change the birth certificate!!
Ruby ♥

soulbrush said...

ha ha ha ha you do make me giggle so much. I agree too- what boring names- unless they call him 'Bertie' as the last George was nicknamed (Queen Elizabeth's dad). I wish I knew what the girls would have been- probably Victoria Margaret- or maybe even Diana. How I miss her!

SissySees said...

Wait... aren't you King Fudge the First?

But we agree. We were hoping that the couple, so determined to mix normalcy with being royal, might buck the name game...

Soggibottom said...

Could have been named.. Frankie de tabby TIDDLES.. :-) We th0ught of that.... COULD BE :-) BIG YAWN FROM THIS SIDE TOO :-) :-) AH.. please ;-)

Could have been Fudge luvs yer baby. :-) GEORGE is okay with us cos we have a godson called George. I NEVER SAID WE WENT TO CHURCH.
Richard would have been good.. OR Elisabeth :-) :-) He he he.. better go before I get banned from Google.. good to see you guys.. Sorry been away for a while....... lots of luvs and pink piggy .. he is just fine.. x x x taking great care of him xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Life with Wrigs said...

King Fudge does have a nice ring to it! I have a feeling they aren't going to change it, though.

Susan and Wrigs

Unknown said...

Sue - I have been thinking about you recently. I'm sure the Queen had something to do with the choice of name ... ;-)

Lapdog Creations said...

I'm with you Fudge.... the name sure is a snoozer!