Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Winter Games

Hi Everybody,

Mom and Dad have been spending a lot of time sitting in front of the TV watching other peeps playing in the snow. How silly is that? We have snow here and we'd be happy to play with them, but Mom says it's too cold for her to stand outside and take pictures of us in the snow. Come on, woman, it's great out there, brisk and icy.

Anyway, we wanted to show off some of our best winter sporting events so we convinced her to sit in the nice warm office and post some pictures of us doing our thing. Here they are.

Before we start we have a warm up run to get ready for the competition.
First event is cross country run.
Next we have winter gymnastics. This is very popular.
How about snow angels? Sebastian dominates in this event.

 There's a special junior event called peeps dragging. The little girls excel.
Here we have a popular one, downhill sliding.
Have any of you tried ice chewing? The object is to eat as much ice as you can before Mom calls you inside.
 Finally snow balls.
No Norma Jean, not that kind.
 Morgan wins this event with her impressive collection of snow balls.
Finally one of our favorites, the after game warmup.
Thanks for joining us in our winter games. Now back to the silly TV.
Your pal, Fudge


Marjie said...

Your winter games are the best! But sometimes you have to let silly humans watch other silly humans play on the TV. It's only once every 4 years, after all.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Rest up, so you can have another have to get the peeps outside to keep them healthy.

Those were great sports...faster than speed skating!

Loved it.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Jo's World said...

Did you see the Portie at the dog show last night? Why do they let his curly head furs grow down over his eyes? How can he see? Its a puzzle to me.


Anonymous said...

Yep, we are with you, the peeps here are stuck to the tube thingie. But all we gots here now is sun and it's warming up nicely, so our summer events are back on!

The Mad Scots
Pees; Did you see the Portie last night at Westminster, about that fur cut, is that normal? We like how you guys look!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...



rottrover said...

Oh man!! I would love to try ALL of those events!!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, at least you all got your parents OUT in the snow with you - ours shoots pics from inside. Ciara and Lightning are superb at snow and ice chewing - you would think they never tasted a bowl of water.

Fun times there for all.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Dandy Duke said...

We can see that you guys are having tons of fun! We love your snow angels, Sebastian!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Matilda the Boxer said...

Brr! I think I'll leave the games to you and just join in the after-game warmup!

SissySees said...

I bet my snow slugs would be inspired to rip and run with y'all! It looks like great fun. We're going to go out and play in a bit before it starts snowing again, whether the girls are excited or not.

Lapdog Creations said...

I love you games! The Lapdogs would sure love to come and join you!

Unknown said...

I'm quite jealous how much your pups enjoy the snow! Our boy isn't as brave - but to be fair it is about 3 times the height of him at the moment .....