Friday, March 25, 2016

Celebrating Zeus

Once upon a time, when my puppies were about a year old, I started blogging. I didn't know any other bloggers so many nights I sat at the computer reading blogs and hoping to make contact with others who had similar interests. One night I stumbled across a group called Dogs On Thursday. It was a group of bloggers who did their own thing thru the week, but on Thursdays they blogged about their dogs. Perfect!

Shortly after I joined the group, they held a "Summer Fun" mystery swap. I joined in and the person I was to send gifts to was the Lapdogs. I didn't know them so I started reading their blog from the beginning and pretty soon I had an idea of who they were. I learned about each of the dogs, Zeus, Tut, Lola and Sophie, and I learned about their Mom, who loved them dearly. It didn't hurt that we had some of the same interests, too. We both knit, we both love hockey and we're both crazy about dogs.
 Over the years we've kept in touch and check in with each other almost weekly and sometimes daily. We've laughed together and cried together and tried to support each other when needed. Our packs have changed over the years. Some of our beloved pups have crossed the bridge and new little members have joined. We've shared the changes. I think that's called friendship.
 Last year big, gentle Zeus, leader of the Lapdogs had to cross the bridge. I picture him hanging out with Thor and Phantom and Bart and my Tsar and sending little messages our way now and then. This year, to celebrate Zeus's birthday, his Mom got together with our friends at Chewy and put together a box of some of his very favorite items. Then there was a big giveaway on the Lapdog blog. A couple days ago I was notified that we won.

This morning the box arrived and there was  much excitement at our house. My dogs tell me that this is the most delicious smelling Chewy box to ever be delivered.
 We went onto the porch and opened it. Wow!!! Look what was inside.
 The Zukes Hip Action treats with glucosamine will go to my three that have arthritis, Fudge, Bailey and Tess. Everyone else will share in the rest.
Fudge has already claimed the moose and  I know Sebastian wants the lobster and deserves it.
 What a happy way to celebrate a special guy on his birthday.
Thank you to the Lapdogs and their Mom and to Chewy for making my kids so very happy.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Zeus seem like a very discerning dog. His taste in treats impeccable! What a great way to celebrate his birthday and congratulations on being the recipients!

We know what it was like, starting a blog and then the thrill of finding that FIRST EVER comment. In our case, it was you!

Enjoy all those fantastic treats and toys.

Marjie said...

Thor would approve of Sebastian adopting the lobster. His favorites were always lobsters! I was happy when you won Zeus' box, because I could just see the spins of joy when the box arrived!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Now that's what we call a great group of friends!!! Congrats on the wonderful box of goodies. Everything looks marvelous.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Our best friends come from the dog blogging world. They are the best people

rottrover said...

What a lovely way to remember our furiends at the Bridge! And what a SCORE!! Congrats on the big win!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Wow awesome! There is always good stuff in that box
Lily & Edward

Dandy Duke said...

What a haul! Blogging buddies are just the bestest♥

Lapdog Creations said...

Yay!!! So glad the pack is enjoying it all so much. I can't even begin to tell you howhat much this post means to me....such a wonderful reflection on our friendship. :)

gMarie said...

What a lovely post - and yes, that is called Friendship. This thing called blogging has helped me develop some of the most amazing "invisible friends" and I'm so very thankful! I'm so glad you won!! g