Thursday, June 18, 2009

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

What better way is there to spend a balmy summer afternoon than a backyard game of baseball?

OK, Fudge is ready.

Tsar say he'll be ump because it's too hot for him to run around like those crazy water dogs.

Getting their instructions or are they listening to the National Anthem?

Who's going to pitch?

It's Sky's ball so he wants to pitch.

No, Norma Jean, you have to use a regulation bat.

Morgan has the bat.

Play ball.

Lola is first to pitch.

Keep your eyes on the ball. The 'P' on the cap stands for Portugal, of course.

Samba and Morgan plan their strategy.

Morgan is first up to bat.

Here comes the pitch.

How can I keep my eyes on the ball when this cap keeps slipping down?

Morgan carries the bat as she runs the bases.

Morgan heads for home. Amazing fact: All their at bats result in home runs.

That was a good game. Our team is getting better all the time. Are there any other teams out there? How about you Dog Woods guys or all you Bassetts?


Sam said...

Marge has a team.. it's call the Marge Maniacs. Unforunately, though, everything is edible.. the bat is a bully stick, the ball is a meatball, and she's the only one allowed on the team... so as you can imagine, we don't get much baseball played around here!

GoldenTracks said...

Great post, Sue! You have enough for a whole team and an umpire

Tobi said...

Your crew plays so well together!

SissySees said...

THAT was CUTE. My girls are still a little too young (read: unfocused) for anything other than kickball, fetch and keep-away...

Natalie Rush said...

I love this!!! That's so great!!

Lapdog Creations said...

GREAT shots - as always. You know, you really ought to put a calendar together!!!!! Or think of what a fantastic coffee table book you could do!

LizzieJane said...

What a great team and they play a great game! So love seeing those doggies!

Unknown said...

Occassionally mine will play chase - Abby is the umpire. She doesn't wear a hat, just bosses everyone around. Telling them "run, run, run." They also play King of the Mountain.

Love your dogs and how whatever you're blogging seems to fit. I thought you went to ballgame when I read the title. I was quite surprise to see Fudge as the Very Cute Umpire in his hat.


Dawn said...

Awesome post and super duper photos...too cute! Happy DOT

Tee said...

Ohhhhh we'd love to!

Wait let us get organized ... hehehe. Or rather we got to get the Chief organized taking photos of us playing ball ...

Licks and Wags

TUffy and the Dog Woods Pack

Marjie said...

We've always played "courtyard baseball" with our kids. Thor has always been the ump. He doesn't wear a hat however. Your team can come play with my little boys; how much fun would they all have!

Dandy Duke said...

We just love the pictures with your baseball cap on backwards! hehehe
There are enough of you to have your own team, no problem!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

momsue84 said...

I can't wait to see what happens when football season rolls around. So cute!

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

This is the BEST! I love your photo essays so much. Those dogs are amazingly fun.

Dianne said...

That is just too funny! Give your whole gang belly scratches from me!

Vivian said...

Before Bucky came along we used to play fetch with Trinket. Baby Bucky only wanted to hog the ball and they'd get into a fight. oh well.