Saturday, November 15, 2014

We Got Cheated

Hi Everybody,
We all woke up happy this morning because the weather dude said we were getting snow today. Well.... I guess he was right....sort of. We got snow. Here it is.
Yup, that's it. That's all the snow we got. How can a bunch of big excited dogs play in that? What's up, weather dude?

So we all went back inside and Mom decided to take a nap on the couch. First she had to convince Mackey and me to take our naps somewhere else. Then she pulled the blanket up over herself and started to nap. So far, so good.

But then Morgan started talking to Mom and saying she needed to go outside. Mom tried to ignore her, so Dad put on his jacket and said he'd take her out. When the little yappy girls heard that, they decided they needed to go out, too. They started jumping around and yapping.

Morgan doesn't like to go out with them because they make too much noise, so she ran over to Mom. When Dad tried to grab her and head her toward the door, that old, limpy dog jumped on top of Mom and wouldn't budge.

Morgan wouldn't get down and Mom couldn't sleep with her right on top, so they both got up and Mom took Morgan outside. The moral of the story is, don't pretend to be asleep when an old dog says she want's you to do something important.
And where's the snow???
Your pal, Fudge


Anonymous said...

I guess we will have to see Dr B with Morgan again. Seems that a growth is growing rapidly on her back that strangely looks like another head I find familiar.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Same here, We may have gotten 10 more flakes than you did:) But we did here tha southern Missouri might get more tomorrow. Hope you get lucky.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Dandy Duke said...

We got about the same amount of snow that you got. We're hoping the next snowfall is a little bit more exciting than this one!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Marjie said...

Miss Morgan still rules with an iron paw. Excellent.

We had 1/2" of snow, but it only stuck to the trees. I don't recall dogs being good at climbing trees, so you can't come here to play in my snow. Sorry.

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Belated Happy Birthday, Miss Morgan! We're glad you had such a jolly celebration with lots of yummy snacks. We can't get mama online much anymore, so it was good to see you all again. Mama just gets creakier and creakier. We're hanging in; Jed had a malignant growth removed from his butt. He's doing well, but we have to watch his butt now. What fun. We're happy to let you have any and all snow we might have coming this winter, BTW.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

It's always so exciting to get that first snowfall, so I know the disappointment you feel when the weathermen get it wrong...again... Next time!!

Hope you enjoyed your day!!!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

It's still early in the season....perhaps in the near future you'll be runnin' and rollin' in the white stuff.

Unknown said...

Yeah mom, we know the difference.
Lots of luvs Morgan.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X